Key Dates

Next Round: 2025

Applications are expected to open January 2025. 

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Novita Children's Services

Grant round: 2010

Grant amount: $50,000

Partners: Telstra, Australian Communications Exchange (ACE)

This project aimed to improve the education, technical knowledge and understanding of communications solutions for people with Complex Communication Needs (CCN) or Severe Communication Impairment (SCI), based on previous research that identified this as a key need for these consumers. The project involved consultation with consumers and supporters to highlight gaps in available information, testing and development of a website where support groups can start collecting the information needs and collating it and sharing opinions, and a report identifying actions and funding required to make telecommunications information readily accessible.

The Newell Network is now live online at 

Download: Telecommunications solution for people with complex communication needs [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 2.26 MB]

Download: Telecommunications solutions for people with complex communication needs [Word Document - 819.5 KB]