ACCAN recently submitted to Communications Alliance’s consultation on the Telecommunications Consumer Protection (TCP) Code Review 2024. ACCAN has engaged with the TCP Code review since our first submission to this consultation in June 2023

Communications are essential. Their delivery, and the consumer protection arrangements that underpin them, are critical to the provision of appropriate community safeguards to communications consumers. 

The current absence of appropriate consumer protections covering sales practices, credit assessments, credit management, and code compliance fundamentally inhibit the TCP Code’s ability to provide appropriate consumer protections to communications consumers.

Our submission recommends that: 

  • Communications Alliance address the critical shortcomings identified by ACCAN in our engagement with the TCP Code which prevents it from providing appropriate community safeguards to communications consumers. 
  • The Minister for Communications direct the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to develop direct regulation for section 6 of the TCP Code due to the inability of the TCP Code to provide for appropriate community safeguards for communications consumers. 

Download: pdfACCAN submission to TCP Code Review 2024.pdf484.54 KB

Download: docxACCAN submission to TCP Code Review 2024.docx279.21 KB