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Now is the time to register for the first M-Enabling initiative in the southern hemisphere, M-Enabling Australasia 2013, being held on 14-15 August in Sydney.

Why come along? This is the perfect opportunity for consumers, app developers, manufacturers, mobile service providers, government and other users to share their ideas and learn how smartphones and tablets can be made accessible for people with disability and older consumers – a relatively untapped market of millions of people.

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ACCAN is once again renewing its membership base, and we want you to join our cause. Our place as Australia's watchdog for communications consumers relies on the strength of our diverse membership base, which is why we're asking you to become an ACCAN member, or renew your existing membership.

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Did you know that the quality standards and safeguards governing your traditional landline service do not apply to voice over IP (VoIP) products?

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Australia's peak blindness organisations have been working with the Australian Electoral Commission over the past several years to secure a fundamental human right for Australians who are blind or vision impaired – access to an independent, secret and verifiable ballot in the federal election.

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People experiencing homelessness, Aboriginal youth and the Deaf community are among the consumers set to benefit from this year's ACCAN grants scheme.

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Great news! The communications regulator, the ACMA, has released a new captioning standard designed to make television more accessible to people who are deaf or hearing impaired.

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ACCAN is delighted to announce the full speaker program for M-Enabling Australasia 2013 being held on August 14-15 in Sydney. A wealth of local and international experts on accessibility and mobile technologies will feature at the conference, which will highlight why people with disability and older people have been missing out on the mobile revolution and how this can be fixed.

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ACCAN congratulates Dr Will Tibben and Gunela Astbrink, winners of this year's 2013 Telstra-TJA Christopher Newell prize for their paper 'The Role of Public Procurement in Accessibility to ICT'. The annual prize is awarded to the best paper offered for publication to the Telecommunications Journal of Australia (TJA) that demonstrates the benefits of telecommunications for people with disability.

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Registrations are now open for the M-Enabling Australasia 2013 conference and showcase being held in Sydney on 14th and 15th August. This international event will feature a stellar line up of speakers and showcase new products and services that enable people with disability and older people to make the most of mobile technologies.

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ACCAN argued that work on NBN performance standards is urgently required at the NBN Joint Committee hearing on Friday 19th April in Sydney. The NBN Joint Committee comes together every six months to inquire into the NBN rollout and is comprised of 16 parliamentary members including Rob Oakeshott MP, Malcolm Turnbull MP and Senator Scott Ludlam, among others.

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ACCAN and Telstra are delighted to announce the two-day
M-Enabling Australasia 2013 conference being held on 14th-15th August at Australian Technology Park, Sydney.

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Australian consumers must currently pay a monthly fee of $2.93 or more to make sure that their phone number won't be released by directory assistance or be made available in the White Pages. The fee effectively charges people for their privacy and is a particular problem for low-income consumers and victims of crime, harassment or violence. ACCAN's position is that the fee should be removed for all consumers.

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