ACCAN recently submitted to the Attorney-General’s Department’s consultation into Automated Decision-Making (ADM) reform. ADM will continue to grow in the future and ACCAN encourages the development of appropriate safeguards for government use.
In our submission, ACCAN recommends:
- The Attorney-General’s Department take into account the accountability measures of the Telecommunications Amendment (SMS Sender ID Register) Act 2024 when designing the ADM framework.
- The Attorney-General’s Department introduce pre-implementation risk assessments for ADM systems and processes.
- Government agencies and firms be required to disclose information about ADM systems to consumers in an easily accessible and understandable way and provide consumers with the appropriate pathways for escalation, merit review or redress relevant to their circumstances.
Dowload: ACCAN Submission to ADM Reform Consultation.pdf311.29 KB
Dowload: ACCAN Submission to ADM Reform Consultation.docx217.05 KB