ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) consultation on proposed changes to the ECS Determination and the Draft Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Amendment Determination 2024 (No.1).

The ECS Determination imposes requirements on communications providers and emergency call operators to ensure the emergency call service is as functional, effective and seamless as possible for end users. In this submission, ACCAN provides the ACMA with recommendations to ensure the proposed amendments to the ECS Determination mitigate the risks posed to consumers, including being left without the ability to make emergency calls due to financial hardship during the transition period from 3G to newer technologies.

ACCAN recommends the ACMA revises the ECS determination to ensure:

  • Consumers experiencing financial hardship are provided a no cost mobile phone capable of accessing emergency services.
  • No cost mobiles provided under financial hardship arrangements are suitable, relating to specific accessibility requirements.
  • As Carriage Service Providers cease to supply services to mobile phones unable to access emergency call services, they allow consumers reasonable time to request financial hardship and other supports.

Download: pdfACCAN Submission ACMA Proposal to amend the ECS determination318.69 KB

Download: docxACCAN Submission ACMA Proposal to amend the ECS determination212.48 KB