ACCAN recently submitted our response to the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) Review of the Numbering Plan and other instruments discussion paper. Telephone numbering is a fundamental aspect of our communications infrastructure, providing consumers and small businesses with mechanisms to recognise and be recognised through calls and texts.

The Numbering Plan is due to sunset in 2025. ACCAN is supportive of the ACMA’s administration of the current Numbering Plan framework and recommends its continuation.

ACCAN recommends the ACMA:

  • Retain the existing rules-based framework for the Numbering Plan.
  • Provide stakeholders with further information on Australian numbers being issued overseas.
  • Register Carriage Service Providers before they are assigned numbers.
  • Provide the ACMA with the ability to withdraw smartnumbers used for scams.
  • Prohibit the use of numbers by multiple Carriage Service Providers until safeguards are developed and proven.

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