ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Communications and Media Authority consultation on draft captioning quality guidelines.
ACCAN welcomed the development of captioning quality guidelines which clarify the ACMA’s interpretation of quality requirements in the Broadcasting Services (Television Captioning) Standard. The guidelines addressed some of the concerns raised with ACCAN by consumers including latency, timing, readability, and the essential nature of captions that are meaningful.
ACCAN recommended that:
- The ACMA proceed with a trial of a captions quality measurement model, specifically the Number Edition Recognition model (NER).
- The draft captioning quality guidelines are subject to review on an agreed and reasonable schedule as a living document well prior to the next sunsetting of the standard, to ensure the capture and advancement of good practice and to continually reflect consumer expectations.
ACCAN encouraged the ACMA to continue to take an active role in the monitoring and enforcement of captions quality.
Download: ACCAN Submission - Draft Captioning Quality Guidelines3.78 MB
Download: ACCAN Submission - Draft Captioning Quality Guidelines220.54 KB