ACCAN is keenly following the scope of the ACCC’s Digital Platforms activities as there are clear implications, both positive and negative, for consumers in many of these areas under review. Unarguably, the increased convergence of digital technologies can provide significant benefits for both individuals and the broader community when the appropriate competition and consumer protections are in place. ACCAN is supportive of competitive and efficient markets that provide consumers choice and confidence.
ACCAN recommends that:
• consumer representation be adequately funded to ensure that the consumer voice is appropriately resourced to participate in all discussions regarding digital platform services and consumer protections and safeguards
• there be a standardised set of Terms and Conditions in plain English made available on all online retail marketplaces.
• an effective consumer education campaign be undertaken to inform Australian consumers about their rights when using online retail marketplaces.
Download: ACCC Online Retail Marketplaces August 2021 Submission .docx91.77 KB
Download: ACCC Online Retail Marketplaces August 2021 Submission.pdf193.45 KB