ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) consultation on the declaration of the Domestic Transmission Capacity Service (DTCS).Declaring the DTCS means that wholesale transmission prices on certain routes are regulated by the ACCC. Low DTCS prices means more service providers and more competition.
ACCAN believes that the market for transmissionservices needs to operate fairly. Transmission services enable service providers to connect their networks to service delivery points such as exchanges, mobile towers, homes, and businesses, by paying other network owners to use their transmission infrastructure. The DTCS is important for stimulating competition and is one way that the ACCCcan try to ensure that consumers – especially those in rural, regional, and remote areas – have more choices of provider, and pay lower costs for services.
ACCAN’s submission emphasises the importance of regulated DTCS for mobile and internet connectivity and coverage in regional, rural, and remote Australia, and supports continued declaration. ACCAN’s submission also states the view that the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) has not yet had a significant effect on the dynamic of the DTCS.