
Illustration: Managing your website domain hero imageIf you forget to renew your domain name, someone else may take it. Even worse, a cybercriminal could snatch it up.

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 Choosing a website domain hero graphic

The following guide provides 6 helpful steps to start and/or keep your business website and email address secure.

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In light of rapid increases to the cost of living, the peak body for communications consumers has welcomed new measures announced in this week’s federal budget to improve the affordability of communications services and boost digital inclusion across the nation. The announcements echo calls made by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) to establish a concessional broadband product for households on low incomes.

ACCAN is delighted to award Andrew a Life Membership of ACCAN. Andrew has been a life-long champion for people with disabilities, particularly the deaf and hard of hearing.

He has brought that commitment to consumers through his early involvement with ACCAN’s predecessor organisation CTN, and his support for over the years to ACCAN.

He has been an exceptional contributor to ACCAN campaigns and policy work and an outstanding advocate for people with disabilities in a number of CTN and ACCAN fora, and an outstanding advocate on the many committees and panels he has participated in. He brings to ACCAN a wealth of knowledge and experience on people with disabilities, particularly the deaf and hard of hearing that include:

  • His involvement in drafting the first disability standard on acoustic coupling;
  • His involvement with Print-a-Call and later, establishment of Hearing Connections in the provision of both assistive devices and advice on their use
  • His championing the issues of the compatibility of hearing aids with mobile phones and later, of the compatibility of TTYs with the NBN
  • His involvement with ACCAN’s Accessible Telecoms Project

ACCAN, its members and so many of the consumers we serve owe a huge debt of gratitude to Andrew for his knowledge, his expertise and his commitment to people with disabilities. We are proud to name Andrew Stewart as a Life Member of ACCAN.

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) recently commented on the Treasury’s Exposure draft legislation to enable action initiation in the Consumer Data Right. The action initiation scheme allows trusted third parties to make requests with the same authority as if they had come directly from the consumer.

Our submission

  • expressed our support for the introduction of action initiation into the Consumer Data Right (CDR). Action initiation will allow for trusted third parties to undertake actions on behalf of consumers such as making payments, closing or transfer accounts and updating personal details.
  • suggested that the scheme should be developed and implemented in close consultation with consumers and their representatives. This would reduce potential harms from existing telecommunications issues such as cyber security and domestic and family violence (DFV).

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) recently commented on the Treasury’s Consumer Data Right rules - expansion to the telecommunications sector and other operational enhancements. In our submission we expressed our support for:

ACCAN has responded to the Productivity Commission’s interim report 5-year productivity Inquiry: Australia’s data and digital dividend. The report explores common barriers to technology and digital adoption and acknowledges the benefits to productivity of increasing digitisation.

ACCAN recently commented on the Consolidated Industry Codes of Practice for the Online Industry (Class 1A and Class 1B Material). In general, we welcome measures that contribute to a safe online environment, empower consumers, and provide transparency and accountability. However, ACCAN expressed our concern over the constricted time frame for public consultation. The Industry Codes of Practice represent a significant undertaking in internet regulation and for them to be effective in their aims and to minimise consumer harm, consumer consultation cannot be an afterthought.

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has consulted on the draft exposure of the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Statutory Infrastructure Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2022. The Bill strengthens the Statutory Infrastructure Provider (SIP) regime, which aims to ensure all Australians have access to modern broadband services.

ACCAN supports the key changes proposed in the bill:

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has welcomed an overall fall in complaints to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO). However, considerable increases to complaints about poor mobile coverage and mobile service dropouts (up 9.9% and 6.3% respectively) have concerned the peak body for communications consumers.

Complaints data published today in the TIO’s 2021-22 Annual Report shows that there were 79,534 complaints received in the last financial year; a decrease of 33.4% compared to the 2020-21 report. This is the lowest volume of complaints received by the TIO in over three years and the largest percentage reduction in over a decade.

ACCAN recently submitted to the NSW Department of Communities and Justice regarding their proposal to draft a nationally consistent scheme for access to digital records upon death or loss of decision-making capacity. We are aware that access to digital records and digital legacy planning is a challenge for consumers and we support a scheme that simplifies matters for consumers and offers them control of, and access to, their digital records. We expressed our preference for a national scheme to provide consumers and digital providers across Australia with the clearest course of action.

ACCAN recently responded to the ACMA’s Proposed Telecommunications Mobile Equipment Air Interface Standard and consequential amendments to associated instrument consultation.

We supported the proposed update of the Standard as it will provide greater consumer protection and trust in 5G mobile equipment and services.