This week
IN THE NEWS: 2024 Grants program imminent, Optus outage hangover continues, and ‘side hustle' scams on the rise
The 2024 round of ACCAN’s Independent Grants Program will open on 30 January and close at the end of February. The 2024 Guidelines and Priority Themes are now available to read on ACCAN’s Grants page. If you are thinking of applying, we encourage you to contact us in advance. The Grants Team is available to provide feedback on your project idea and answer any questions you have. Please contact us at grants@accan.org.au, 02 9288 4000, or via the NRS. [ACCAN]
Optus has announced that the impact of the nation-wide November 8 outage on customers attempting to call Triple-0 was much greater than first believed. During a Senate inquiry last year, former Optus CEO Kelly Bayer Rosmarin stated that only 228 customers failed to have their emergency calls connected. An internal review has this week found that this number was much higher, at 2700. The company has committed to writing letters of apology to this crop of customers, and is sure to face scrutiny through further Senate and ACMA investigations. Telcos are required by law to conduct welfare checks on customers who try unsuccessfully to reach emergency services [ABC]
Have you noticed advertisements promising simple online work with a high salary or guaranteed income? You wouldn’t be alone. The ACCC has warned of a rising number of ‘side hustle’ scams targeting younger Australians (18-45 years old) particularly. Remember – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. To help stop scammers and warn others, report any such scams to Scamwatch. [ACCC]
The Australian Government is seeking feedback on the future of the Universal Service Obligation (USO) beyond 2024. ACCAN has created an explainer-style blog post to answer some of the questions you may have about this important consumer protection and outline our role in the review process. As part of ACCAN’s commitment to undertake in-depth stakeholder engagement on the future of the USO, we will be seeking the input of our member organisations and key stakeholders via a virtual roundtable to be held 14 February 2024 – 2pm-3:30pm AEDT. Please get in touch if you would like to participate. [ACCAN]
As parts of North Queensland brace for Tropical Cyclone Kirrily to make landfall, we encourage residents to be aware of the impact such weather systems can have on their ability to communicate. In the event of power or mobile outages, charging packs and portable radios can help you remain in contact with neighbours, loved ones, the latest news and emergency services. This ABC article contains key questions about your emergency plan that you should consider. [ABC]
ACCAN recently submitted to a Department of Social Services consultation into the Australian Government response to the Disability Royal Commission (DRC). Our submission encouraged the government to undertake the legislative reform proposed in the DRC, and to take meaningful action to position Australia as a leader in communications accessibility. The full submission is available to read via the link above. [ACCAN]
Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has announced the formation of the 2024 Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee, to be headed by the Hon. Alannah MacTiernan. The Regional Telecommunications Review occurs every three years and is an opportunity to assess the issues impacting regional, rural and remote consumers of telecommunications services. As an organisation and through the Regional, Rural and Remote Communications Coalition, we look forward to contributing to the upcoming review starting in April. [Minister Rowland]
The ABC reports that new documents unveiled through Freedom of Information requests show that on the morning of the November 8 outage Optus may have been aware some customers were unsuccessful in reaching Triple-0. This is bound to be scrutinised in ongoing reviews, as Optus made public statements to the contrary until after midday. [ABC]
ACCAN welcomes the appointments of Dr Heron Loban and Mr Jerome Cubillo to the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group. We are confident that both Dr Loban and Mr Cubillo will contribute strongly to the Group’s work to narrow the digital divide for First Nations Australians, and look forward to future opportunities to collaborate. [Minister Rowland]
Telstra International, in partnership with Trans-Pacific Networks, will construct a significant subsea cable connecting Singapore and the US. The Echo cable will be the first to directly link the two countries, while also connecting Jakarta and Guam. [ITNews]
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.