This week
IN THE NEWS: More protections needed for consumers, say advocates, NBN price rises incoming, recording & transcript of Communications Consumer Congress now available.
This excellent article from CHOICE reflects the concerns of several consumer advocacy organisations, including ACCAN, about the need for more effective protections for consumers facing domestic and family violence. ACCAN looks forward to discussions with the community sector, government and industry about direct regulation, similar to the incoming protections for consumers facing financial hardship. [CHOICE]
The latest Special Access Undertaking Variation (SAU) appears likely to be accepted by the ACCC, with internet provider submissions opposing wholesale price increases, yet acknowledging that the process is well overdue to finish. Consumers can accordingly expect providers to increase prices in the months ahead. In our submission to the ACCC, ACCAN expressed its qualified support for the variation as an improvement upon previous iterations, while noting the lack of a concessional, low-cost option for consumers, and a broader lack of resourcing for consumer advocacy input on proposed expenditure consultation. [ITNews]
ACCAN is pleased to announce that interested members, the media and consumers can read the transcript or listen to the recording of Day Two of the Communications Consumer Congress. Content is available at the link above. [ACCAN]
ACCAN’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday the 12th of October from 4:00pm AEDT, online and in-person at the ACCAN office. We will have live captioning and Auslan interpreters available throughout this meeting. Please register your attendance and confirm any accessibility requirements, by Tuesday 10th October, 2023 at the link above. [ACCAN]
The Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) has criticised Telstra in the wake of their announcement that most users’ plans would increase in price effective November 1. CALC CEO Stephanie Tonkin argued that, given Telstra has just posted a healthy $2 billion profit, they have room to do more to assist Australians facing cost of living pressures. ACCAN encourages its members to compare offers from different providers to find the best deal for their circumstances, and recommends that the Federal Government develop an Independent Plan Comparison Tool to assist consumers in making informed decisions about their mobile and internet service. See if you're eligible for any of the telco programs available to help you stay connected. [CALC]
The ACMA has issued a direction to comply to low earth orbit satellite internet provider Starlink over a failure to disclose an end date on a promotional price for their hardware for regional customers. Though only a warning at this stage, repeated breaches of the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code can result in fines up to $250,000. [Gizmodo]
A 75MW solar farm has commenced operations in Wyalong, NSW, with 62% of the expected output contracted to NBN Co as part of an off-take agreement. This marks a significant step towards the company achieving their 100% renewable energy purchases commitment. CommsDay reports the solar farm will contribute 19% of NBN Co’s national energy consumption. [Renew Economy]
eSafety is offering a new Strong People, Safe Spaces online safety training, tailored to First Nations organisations and communities with an active presence online. Learn more about the training and register your interest. [eSafety Commissioner]
The ACCC’s National Anti-Scam Centre is urging consumers to be aware of a new scam targeting international students, with scammers purporting to be Chinese authorities making contact and demanding sums of money from victims. The complex scam, conducted via phone, video call and in-person contact, is believed to have inflicted $8.7 million in losses so far this year. [ACCC]
This article from the ABC outlines the latest in the monumental anti-trust trial Google is facing in the United States. The case could have global ramifications for all internet users. Read more at the link above. [ABC]
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.