This week
IN THE NEWS: ACCAN’s Cyber safety tip sheets for small business, ACCC welcomes funding to establish National Anti-Scam Centre and more
ACCAN has teamed up with auDA to produce a series of tipsheets with the aim of keeping small business cyber safe. Topics covered include Choosing a Website Domain, Managing your Website Domain and Troubleshooting your Website. Tipsheets are available both online and in hardcopy. If you would like to receive copies to distribute to your community, get in touch and we’ll get them to you. [ACCAN]
The ACCC has welcomed the Australian Government’s commitment to establish a new National Anti-Scam Centre. Last week’s Budget allocated $58 million in funding to the ACCC to complete the setup of the National Anti-Scam Centre over the next two years. [ACCC media release]
There’s a lot of choice for NBN plans in 2023 so which one is best for you? This article looks at some of the most popular plans available. [Forbes Advisor]
There’s been quite a bit of media on Telstra’s announcement this week to increase its post-paid mobile plans. Here’s a recent example of what ACCAN had to say. [The New Daily]
The Albanese Government has taken decisive action to improve the safety of Australians online by quadrupling base funding for the eSafety Commissioner in the 2023-24 Federal Budget. [Minister Rowland media release]
The ACMA has taken action against a number of telcos after compliance failures were used by scammers to send SMS road toll, Medicare and Australia Post impersonation scams to consumers. [ACMA media release]
Apple's Emergency SOS via satellite service is now available to iPhone 14 users in Australia and New Zealand. This capability allows users to contact emergency services while outside of mobile and Wi-Fi coverage. It also allows them to use satellite communications to share their locations via the Find My app. [iTWire]
Seven telcos have been issued with formal directions after ACMA investigations found they failed to submit compulsory compliance statements in 2022. Following the ACMA’s investigations, Premium Mobile, Star Telecom, CrazyTel, GigaComm, Inspired Broadband, International Exchange and Telsim were all directed to comply with the Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code. [ACMA]
This year’s event will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 29-31 August and will focus on emerging technologies and drive discussions on whether the Asia Pacific is ready for the next phase of the internet. Additionally, the forum will support regional contributions to the 2023 global Internet Governance Forum (IGF), convened by the United Nations in October, in Kyoto, Japan. [auDA]
A man has lost over $16,000 in a matter of seconds after getting a text message. Jacob Harris told news.com.au that he never imagined he would be one of those people who fell victim to a scam. [news.com.au]
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