ACCAN has responded to the Government's consultation on proposals for longer term deregulatory reform in telecommunications. Our submission flagged that the important areas of privacy and the customer service guarantee (which puts timeframes around new connections and fault repairs) need more in depth consideration and consultation, while supporting reforms for arrangements around pre-selection, Part 9A of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act, retail price controls and the local presence plan. We are also generally supportive of changes to Telstra's priority assistance arrangements, although with some qualification.
ACCAN's response urges the Government to assess costs on a broad and long-term basis, rather than focus on short-term expediency with potentially deleterious consequences in the longer term for the community as a whole, including government and business.
Download: ACCAN submission819.96 KB
Download: ACCAN submission456 KB
Supplementary ACCAN submission
Download: ACCAN supplementary798.54 KB
Download: ACCAN supplementary369.39 KB