ACCAN argues that access to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an important element to achieving an adequate standard of living and social inclusion, a key human rights goal. 

Summary: The draft National Human Rights Action Plan (the Plan) is a list of actions the Government is committing to in order to achieve human rights goals. ACCAN wants to see the Plan amended to include actions related to available, accessible or affordable communications services. Recommendations include:

  • Access to ICT should be considered an important aspect of social inclusion and statistical data on this should be collected regularly.
  • Affordable access to important services offered over 1800, 1300 and 13 numbers is essential. Changes to mobile charges for these numbers should be supported in the Plan.
  • The Plan should improve employment measures for people with a disability by researching and implementing an all-of-government public procurement policy.

  • Emergency information for people with a disability needs to be improved through a range of measures including SMS emergency services. 

Submission to: Australian Government, Attorney-General's Department

Status: Submitted

Download:ACCAN submission to the National Human Rights Action Plan [Word Document - 238.5 KB]

Download:ACCAN submission to the National Human Rights Action Plan [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 340.08 KB]