There is an overriding barrier that consumers face when attempting to contact an insurance company to make a claim, access external dispute resolution services or free legal advice – the cost of the phone call.
Summary: A call to insurance company, the Financial Ombudsman Service or a legal assistance service is likely to be via a 1800, 1300 or 13 number. People affected by a natural disaster may need to call these services but mobile phone is often the only communications device they will have available to them.
With charges of up to $1.78 per minute and potentially long call wait times, the cost of accessing the services is an unnecessary burden the caller currently has to bear. ACCAN recommends that the committee support reforms in this area, as outlined in the Fair Calls For All campaign, to ensure that people can contact essential services at fair rates during disaster events.
Submission to: House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs
Status: Submitted
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