ACCAN, in its submission to the ACMA's Numbering Consultation paper 4, has urged the regulator to adopt an approach to numbering that considers the social impact of any change to numbering systems. This submission focuses on the positive impact a fair charging system for 1800, 1300 and 13 calls from mobiles will have on vulnerable consumers. 


The ACMA should take into consideration how numbering resources and regulation can facilitate social inclusion and achieve broad social goals, including the promotion and protection of human rights. 

In response to the ACMA's research into consumer understanding and use of numbers, ACCAN argues that 1800, 1300 and 13 numbers should be charged at the same rates from mobiles and landlines and encourages the ACMA to support the aims of the Fair Calls For All campaign. This submission demonstrates how specific consumer groups experience detriment due to per-minute call rates from mobile phones to 1800, 1300 and 13 numbers. 

Submission to: Numbering: Implications of Research into Consumer Issues - Consultation paper 4  

Status: Submitted. ACMA discussion paper due by the end of 2011

Download: Implications of research into consumer issues [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 1.66 MB]

Download: Implications of research into consumer issues [Word Document - 3.01 MB]