The capacity of communication networks and emergency warning systems to deal with emergencies and natural disasters
Friday, 15 April 2011
The tragedy of the recent Queensland floods has provided insight into the state of Australia's emergency services. The disaster has particularly highlighted the shortcomings of the emergency service and warning systems framework for Australians with disability.
ACCAN submits the report, The Queensland flood disaster: Access for people with disability to phone services and emergency warnings, for the Committee's consideration.
Submission to: Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
Status: Submitted
The report analyses the effectiveness of future emergency services, emergency phone services for people with disability, service disruptions to emergency and non-emergency calls, and access to emergency warnings and information. This submission also presents a number of recommendations for various agencies, including regulatory and non-government bodies, to improve access to emergency call services and information for people with disability.
Download: The capacity of communication networks and emergency warning systems to deal with emergencies and natural disasters [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 662.05 KB]
Download: The capacity of communication networks and emergency warning systems to deal with emergencies and natural disasters [Word Document - 1.05 MB]