ACCAN recently commented on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Domestic Transmission Capacity Service (DTCS) Final Access Determination (FAD) discussion paper.

ACCAN’s submission argued that the economic regulation of DTCS is critical to supporting the delivery of telecommunications services across Australia. ACCAN recommends that: 

  • DTCS services should be priced by reference to a benchmarking approach as the cost and complexity associated with cost model-based methodologies are likely to outweigh the benefits of the additional precision of these pricing approaches.
  • The pricing factors for the subsea component of DTCS services to Tasmania should be reviewed to ensure that these factors are relevant and remain cost reflective.
  • DTCS services to Christmas Island should be benchmarked against domestic and international prices for transmission services provided over subsea cables.
  • The range of capacities covered by the DTCS FAD should be determined by reference to contemporary commercial products.
  • The regulated price for non-recurrent charges should be benchmarked against current commercial prices.

ACCAN supports the duration of the DTCS FAD proposed by the ACCC, expiring 31 March 2029.

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