ACCAN recently responded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) public inquiry into the declaration of the domestic transmission capacity service, fixed line services and domestic mobile terminating access service discussion paper (the discussion paper).
The discussion paper reviewed the declaration of nine services including:
- Domestic transmission capacity service
- Unconditioned local loop service
- Line sharing service
- Wholesale line rental
- Local carriage service
- Fixed originating access service
- Fixed terminating access service
- Wholesale Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) service
- Domestic mobile terminating access service
When a telecommunication service is declared by the ACCC, the regulator can set price and non-price terms of access to the service. Declaring a service can ensure fair and equitable access to infrastructure and better outcomes for consumers.
ACCAN’s submission shared our support for the declaration of:
- Domestic transmission capacity services
- Fixed line services on the same and/or similar basis as existing arrangements
- Mobile terminating access services (MTAS) for voice
In ACCAN’s view these declarations will promote the long-term interests of consumers.
Download:ACCC Multi Access Declaration 2023229.22 KB
Download:ACCC Multi Access Declaration 20233.58 MB