ACCAN has recently made a submission to the Treasury on its Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS), which explores possible changes to the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The changes are aimed at helping consumers access remedies (e.g. a repair, replacement, or refund) when a product or service doesn’t work the way it should. The Consultation RIS also explores ways to help retailers get compensation from manufacturers when a product is faulty. ACCAN supported some of the changes proposed in the RIS, including the introduction of incentives to make sure retailers always provide a remedy when consumers are entitled to one.
ACCAN’s submission highlighted the need for improvements to the way in which remedies are provided under the Australian Consumer Law. We recommended that:
- Changes need to be made regarding how consumer guarantee failures are dealt with by retailers.
- Civil prohibitions (fines and financial penalties) are necessary to improve consumer and industry access to remedies and compensation.
- Changes to the ACL should be complimented by strong enforcement from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
- More information is needed about how the ACL applies to phone and internet consumers.
- Retailers should offer remedies to affected consumers proactively, and in situations where it takes too long for a product to be repaired, consumers should be entitled to a replacement or refund.
Download: ACCAN submission to Treasury on ACL Consultation RIS926.03 KB
Download: ACCAN submission to Treasury on ACL Consultation RIS399.18 KB