The ACCC recently sought feedback on its position to declare the Wholesale Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) service until 30 June 2024. The declaration will require Telstra to continue to provide other internet service providers access to Telstra’s copper network on request, allowing for retail competition on the network.
ACCAN supports this position given that results from a recent consumer survey indicated that consumers outside of NBN’s fixed line footprint would like to continue to use the ADSL network. Surveyed consumers generally reported that they do not consider a satellite or fixed wireless connection to be of equivalent quality to their current ADSL service.
ACCAN calls for further consideration of whether, in the future, satellite and fixed wireless technologies will be able to support the needs of consumers currently using ADSL services.
Download: ACCAN submission to ACCC WADSL inquiry124.7 KB
Download: ACCAN submission to ACCC WADSL inquiry593.83 KB