ACCAN has made a submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) consultation on consumer choice screens in search services and web browsers. The ACCC is interested in understanding the consumer impact of default web browsers and search engines.
ACCAN reiterated our support for the ACCC’s recommendation to facilitate consumer choice through the changes to default search engine and internet browser arrangements, as outlined in our 2019 submission to the Treasury inquiry into the implementation of the ACCC’s Inquiry into Digital Platforms.
Noting that the proposed arrangements have already been implemented in Europe, ACCAN considers that there are limited barriers to implementing these changes in the Australian context. ACCAN recommends that any adopted changes to these default settings pay particular attention to implications on accessibility and usability for end-users with disability or end-users with low digital literacy skills and confidence.
Download: ACCAN submission ACCC Web Search Choice April 202187.85 KB
Download: ACCAN submission ACCC Web Search Choice April 2021201.21 KB