ACCAN recently submitted to the ACCC’s inquiry into the proposed extension of expiring non-price provisions of the NBN’s Special Access Undertaking (SAU). The SAU sets out the terms on which service providers can access NBN infrastructure.
The expiring provisions are about:
- consultation processes for the design of products and pricing by NBN;
- dispute resolution processes; and
- arrangements to modify network technology design.
ACCAN’s submission argues that the proposed extension should be rejected, because existing provisions are not promoting the efficient use of NBN infrastructure or the long term interests of consumers. ACCAN believes that if the ACCC rejects the extension of existing arrangements, NBN Co. will have to create more suitable processes.
As part of our submission we propose the following improvements to the three SAU areas under consideration:
- Open, transparent and accountable consultation processes for pricing and product design;
- Dispute resolution processes that reflect the regulatory framework; and
- A review of the process for modifying network design.
Download: NBN SAU expiry of non-price provisions consultation817.74 KB
Download: NBN SAU expiry of non-price provisions consultation705.32 KB