The ACCC, after consultation and consideration, made a draft decision to reject the nbn’s proposed variation to the Special Access Undertaking. This was due to consideration that a number of the proposed changes are not in the interest of consumers. Additionally, the ACCC asked further questions in relation to nbn charges over the Multi Technology Mix.
ACCAN agrees with the ACCC’s consideration in relation to a number of elements, particularly not allowing nbn the ability to offer lower services over some technologies while they are also being used by legacy services or being repaired.
ACCAN raised a number of concerns about issues, including;
• The continued publication of the three year construction plan, and
• Charges that nbn proposes over some technologies.
Download: ACCAN submission to ACCC draft decision.docx106.7 KB
Download: ACCAN submission to ACCC draft decision.pdf406.92 KB