In 2014 the Vertigan panel made 53 recommendations on regulatory and market structure matters. The proposed legislation addresses recommendations made in relation to improvements in the access regime and nbn's authorised conduct. ACCAN expressed concern over three parts of the legislation.
Firstly, we are concerned about the proposal to allow nbn to discriminate between retail providers for pilots and trials. This may lead to some providers gaining an unfair advantage. While some safeguards are in place ACCAN recommended that further safeguards may be needed.
Secondly, ACCAN expressed concerns over the changes to the access regime process which adds further considerations and consultation timeframes. ACCAN fears that these changes may increase the timeframe for ACCC decisions and add further complexity.
Thirdly, ACCAN has concerns of the changes to how the ACCC accepts variations to the Special Access Undertakings (SAU). These changes restrict the ACCC from specifying variation unless they consider them significantly substantial that they would otherwise not accept the SAU.