The Productivity Commission is looking at Australia's intellectual property system to make sure there are the right incentives for innovation, investment and the production of creative works. The aim is that these protections for intellectual property owners' don't unreasonably stop consumers benefiting from innovation, competition, investment and access to goods and services.


ACCAN's submission focused on issues around consumer access to digital content and the current barriers to access caused by a poorly functioning copyright system. ACCAN made four recommendations, including improving online payment options for content, adopting the Australian Law Reform Commission recommendations around fair use, making it easier for people with a disability to access content and reviewing the cost being passed on to consumers by the 'website blocking' amendments.

Download: docxACCAN submission Intellection Property Arrangements Productivity Commission.docx804.62 KB

Download: pdfACCAN submission Intellection Property Arrangements Productivity Commission.pdf394.88 KB