ACCAN's fine print project into misleading or unfair terms in telco consumer contracts was undertaken by researcher Dr Jeannie Paterson, a consumer law expert from Melbourne Law School. Dr Paterson examined the contracts for 42 products across ten providers.
The research found many contracts reviewed contained terms that did not comply with some aspects of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).
As a result of ACCAN's research and engagement with industry, the major providers did see that some of their terms could be improved and some contracts were indeed changed to be more fair and more accurate.
ACCAN also wrote to the ACCC to draw the regulator's attention to terms remaining in the in contracts of Netspeed, Aldi, Dodo and TPG that lack the legally required mention of the ACL. The ACCC has indicated that it is moving to take more enforcement action, so ACCAN hopes our work helps the regulator in its efforts.
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