Join us for ACCAN's first Research Linkage Forum where we will showcase the diverse projects we are engaging in to drive our work and to build a consumer-centric base of evidence.
Highlights include:
- Launch of Consumers First: Smart Regulation for Digital Australia, investigating a principles-based approach to regulation for better consumer welfare and better outcomes for suppliers who care for consumers.
- Launch of consumer education videos on Internet scams, a report examining privacy complaints, and a report examining what we know about communications consumers from non English speaking backgrounds.
- Launch of a partnership between ACCAN and Australia Policy Online.
- Launch of Fair Go: Complaint Resolution for Digital Australia, a project developing a model for future external dispute resolution that provides swift and effective remedies and customer care incentives.
- Launch of Consumers First: Smart Regulation for Digital Australia, investigating a principles-based approach to regulation for better consumer welfare and better outcomes for suppliers who care for consumers.
This jam-packed, FREE, and open event will follow our Annual General Meeting, and will be an opportunity to provide input into our research and meet those working on projects.
Download: ACCAN Research Linkage Forum.pdf [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 66.72 KB]
Download: ACCAN Research Linkage Forum.doc [Word Document - 37 KB]