IN THE NEWS: ACCC take Optus to court for unconscionable conduct, ACCAN before Parliamentary cyber security inquiry, and 3G network shutdown commences
CEO MESSAGE: Consumers around the country will be feeling angry and betrayed at the news that Optus have allegedly taken advantage of consumers, predominately First Nations, regional consumers, consumers with a disability, and low-income consumers, in a display of gross misconduct.
The ACCC announced that it is taking court action against Optus as a result of alleged unconscionable dealings with 429 individual consumers. The cases primarily occurred in two Optus stores in Darwin, with some cases also in Mount Isa and in other stores nationwide.
We have been commenting in the Sydney Morning Herald/The Age, the AFR, the Guardian and on radio networks across the country on this disturbing story.
As we have stated, this court case should spur fundamental changes in the way our sector is regulated. If the ACCC allegations are proven in court, there is no doubt that significant reforms are needed to reinforce consumer protections and strengthen the powers and penalties available to the communications regulator.
This edition of WebNews features some of ACCAN’s vital policy work on digital accessibility, cyber security, customer communications during outages and privacy reform.
ACCAN has also been occupied with the 3G shutdown which began on Monday including my appearance on ABC News, where I explained why the shutdown is occurring and which devices must be checked as a matter of urgency.
By now consumers will all be aware of the shutdown and its implications for phones and other connected devices. Telstra’s network shutdown will be complete by Monday, 4 November, with Optus briefly retaining limited 3G coverage until its 4G network achieves comparable coverage. Telstra has posted a helpful blog post which addresses concerns and questions consumers may have.
This week, ACCAN participated in the Australian Internet Governance Forum (AuIGF), held in Melbourne and online. The AuIGf is an important opportunity for us to advocate for consumer interests in the management and regulation of the internet in Australia. Our Deputy CEO Dr Gareth Downing spoke alongside two of our long-time supporters - Dr. Daniel Featherstone (a current board member) and Holly Raiche, founding Deputy Chair of ACCAN.
On Friday 1 November, Gareth Downing and I provided evidence to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. We put forward the consumer perspective on the Cyber Security Legislative Package to Senators and MPs from around the country based on our submission to the inquiry.
Finally, if you have feedback or personal stories relating to the Optus mis-selling scandal or the 3G shutdown, I encourage you to get in touch with our team.
I hope you enjoy this edition of WebNews.
Carol Bennett Chief Executive Officer
