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Weekly WebNews
IN THE NEWS: ACCAN meets with Assistant Treasurer on scams legislation, Telstra and Optus launch 3G shutdown awareness campaign, and ACMA releases draft standard on customer communications during outages
CEO MESSAGE: This week, we saw the launch of the long-awaited 3G public information campaign from Telstra and Optus. The two telcos are joining forces to reach over 90% of the country through print, radio, television and online advertising, with specific targeting of First Nations and regional consumers.
I am meeting with representatives of two major medical regulators – the Therapeutic Goods Administration and AHPRA – to discuss concerns we have been consistently raising about preparation efforts undertaken by the medical devices sector. Both regulators are working towards communications with consumer and health professionals to inform them of the imminent shutdown and the impact it may have on health and safety.
It was a pleasure to meet with Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones and key consumer organisations this week to discuss new scam prevention legislation. We look forward to continuing our collaboration to ensure strong protections are in place for consumers against the growing threat of scams as the draft legislation makes its way through parliament (hopefully this year).
We welcome the ACMA's draft standard on customer communications during network outages. The standard, prompted by the Bean Review of the November 2023 Optus outage, requires telcos to inform affected customers directly of the scale, cause, and impacted areas of the outage. ACCAN looks forward to participating in the ACMA's consultation process.
Finally, our Annual General Meeting is fast approaching and will take place on Thursday, 26 September at 4pm AEST. This is your chance to vote for two Board Directors and hear about key milestones from the past year. I encourage all members to attend and actively participate in shaping ACCAN's future direction.
I hope you enjoy this edition of WebNews.
Carol Bennett Chief Executive Officer


ACCAN meets with Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones on new scams legislation
This week, ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett and Deputy CEO Gareth Downing met with key consumer organisations, led by the Consumer Action Law Centre, and Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones to discuss new scam prevention legislation. With consumers losing over $2.7 billion to scams in 2023, this Bill is a timely step towards ensuring strong consumer safeguards are put in place.
ACCAN welcomes the proposed legislation but is seeking further clarification on several important aspects, including opportunities for consumer reimbursement, complaints processes, and timeframes. While ACCAN will provide feedback on the draft legislation, we are eager to see it pass through parliament before the end of the year to better protect consumers from scams. [No link]


Telstra and Optus have launched a public safety campaign ahead of the 3G shutdown closure on October 28. This campaign was promised when both networks delayed their network closures in August due to concerns about preparedness.
The campaign urges consumers to check their tech – handsets, interconnected equipment, medical devices etc – to ensure they stay connected after the 3G network closes.
According to the telcos, the campaign will reach more that 90% of Australians and will be targeted to ensure it reaches First Nations communities and regional, rural and remote Australians. For more information, visit the 3G closure page linked above. [AMTA]

On Tuesday, The ACMA released a draft standard on customer communications during telco outages. The standard outlines requirements for telcos during national outages affecting at least 500,000 customers for 30 minutes or more, or significant local outages impacting at least 50,000 customers for six hours or more. ACCAN welcomes the ACMA's draft standard and looks forward to participating in the forthcoming consultation. [ACMA]

The 3G network shutdown poses significant risks, especially for those relying on medical devices that depend on 3G. ACCAN CEO Carol Bennet expressed concern that too many Australians are unaware their medical devices, including insulin pumps and safety alarms, may stop working.
ACCAN is calling for stronger regulations requiring manufacturers to alert users about device compatibility to prevent health and safety being impacted by the shutdown.
Carol met with AHPRA this week and will soon be speaking with the TGA to discuss raising consumer awareness about 3G medical devices in preparation for the shutdown. [Your Life Choices]

ACCAN recently submitted to the review of Australia’s Disability Strategy, a national policy framework that sets out practical changes that will assist people with disability. We emphasised the urgent need for improved laws, better data on accessibility, and upskilling the workforce to deliver accessible communications and technology for people with disabilities.
These changes would ensure that Australians with disabilities have equal access to essential communications services, so that the tools and technology to stay connected in an increasingly digital world are available to all. [ACCAN]
The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) has launched an inquiry into the use and governance of artificial intelligence (AI) by public sector entities. Chair Linda Burney MP highlighted concerns about increased AI adoption without adequate governance frameworks. The inquiry will examine current and future AI uses, existing regulatory frameworks, internal governance, and risk management related to security, privacy, ethics, and accountability. It will also explore the public sector’s AI capability and potential reliance on overseas AI tools. ACCAN will provide a submission to the inquiry, with submissions invited by 25 October 2024 and details available on the inquiry’s website. [IT Wire]
Telstra has joined a global API alliance alongside Ericsson and major telcos, collectively serving over 3.6 billion customers. This joint venture aims to accelerate the adoption of network APIs to support innovative applications, including AI, by leveraging network infrastructure. Telstra, though smaller in customer base, is committed to its API-first approach and sees this partnership as an opportunity to drive growth and monetise its network. The venture will offer a unified platform for developers to build on top of network infrastructure, creating new opportunities for innovation and expanding the telecom industry's reach. Completion is expected by 2025. [CRN]

The ACCAN Board is inviting Expressions of Interest from experienced individuals interested in serving on ACCAN’s Independent Grants Panel. There are currently two vacancies on the Panel. The Grants Panel assesses applications for funding received to ACCAN’s annual grants round and are an important part of the independence and rigour of the Program. Interest from candidates with experience in the community sector and/or current research knowledge of the social impact of digital platforms is particularly encouraged. Expressions of Interest must be received by 5pm (AEDT) Friday 11th October 2024. For more information, including selection criteria, please visit the link above. [ACCAN]

Join ACCAN’s Kelly Lindsay (Stakeholder Engagement Manager) and Con Gouskos (Policy Adviser) at the COTA ACT Seniors and Better Ageing Expo Wednesday 25 September in Kingston! Drop by this free event to meet our team and learn about how we’re supporting Australians with their communications needs. With over 150 exhibitors and a Lifestyle Hub, there’s plenty to explore. [COTA ACT]
The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Limited (ACCAN) will be held on Thursday 26th September 2024 from 4pm AEST. On the agenda for this meeting is the election of two Board Directors, Adoption of the Auditor’s Report, Appointment of an Auditor for 2024-2025, Life Memberships and the Returning Officer’s Report. All meeting papers, including instructions on how to vote in the election, are available on the ACCAN website. Your membership must be current to be eligible to vote. Members are invited to register for the AGM via the link above. [ACCAN]
WebNews #675
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.
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