This week
IN THE NEWS: Report shows need for more ACMA enforcement data, Regional Tech Hub revamp, trials to use 5G to mitigate natural disasters underway
A new report from the UTS Centre for Media Transition has found that more information should be made public about enforcement actions taken by the ACMA, and has raised questions about the adequacy of its enforcement powers in ensuring industry compliance. It has recommended that the ACMA increase transparency and accountability around how they enforce telecommunications rules by establishing a public register of enforcement actions. Read our media release via the link above. [ACCAN]
The Regional Tech Hub has taken feedback from an extensive internal and external review and turned their website into a comprehensive Resource Hub. With new easily accessible menus, additional resources, and a format that works better across different devices, they are now more than ever ready to help your understanding of phone and internet connectivity. We encourage you to check out the new site via the link above [Regional Tech Hub]
The University of Technology Sydney (UTS), in partnership with TPG Telecom, has begun trials of a technology to detect and monitor natural disasters in real time using 5G mobile signals. The 5G Network Sensing Lab is conducting tests of the technology on several rivers in Sydney. A sensing technique which uses 5G signals aims to complement existing sensors to improve the accuracy and speed of flood and storm monitoring and predictions. [ITNews]
Singtel has ruled out any impending deal to sell Optus, Reuters has reported. Recent insider rumours aired in the Australian press had suggested Singtel were negotiating a 20% divestment of Optus to Brookfield, a Canadian private equity firm. Any deal to sell the company to an overseas entity would be subject to approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board. [Reuters]
Nearly half of Australian small businesses (45 per cent) don’t see themselves as likely targets for cyber criminals, according to a new report by CommBank, commissioned by Cyber Wardens and the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA). ACCAN is a strong supporter of the Cyber Wardens program, which COSBOA operates in a partnership with the government and corporates. Cyber Wardens upskills Australia’s small business workforce and give owners and employees the tools they need to stay safe online through a free and easy to use accredited e-learning platform. Find out more via the link above [Cyber Wardens]
Deloitte’s 2024 Technology, Media and Telecom (TMT) Predictions Report suggests that the ever-increasing demand for faster internet speeds may be coming to an end. The report predicts that consumer demand for speed is levelling out as even several instances of online gaming, 4K video streaming and other common household internet tasks are capably handled by a 100Mbps download speed, which is common in Australia’s most populated areas. Raising the floor of bandwidth speed and quality in all parts of the country remains an important outcome for communications consumers. [Deloitte]
Telstra has launched an SMS device checker tool to check whether a Telstra customers’ connection will be impacted by the 3G network closure on 30 June. Voice calls on 4G need a VoLTE-capable mobile to make a Triple Zero (000) call after 30 June on Telstra’s 4G network. To check if your mobile is compatible SMS 3 to 3498. It is currently unclear whether the device checker tool is working as expected with customers with MVNOs that use the Telstra network, such as Aldi Mobile, Boost and Belong. ACCAN will provide further information to consumers as this is clarified. [Telstra]
ACCAN is glad to announce the launch of the Affordable Devices service, a comprehensive database of retailers and programs which help consumers access low-cost mobile phones, laptops, tablets and desktops. Affordable Devices is a result of research funded by ACCAN and conducted in 2023. It lists sources of low-cost devices, filtered by the State or Territory in which they are based, and provides detail as to whether the listed website is screen reader-friendly. We encourage you to explore the resource, available at the link above. [ACCAN]
ACCAN has developed resources about the new Standard to inform consumers and those assisting struggling telco customers. Our consumer guide to the Financial Hardship Standard is linked above, and a longer guide for financial counsellors is also available. Customers and financial counsellors assisting customers only need to mention that they are having difficulty paying a bill in order to receive financial hardship support. [ACCAN
By way of reminder to readers, ACCAN’s CEO Andrew Williams finished with the organisation on 1 March. Recruitment for Andrew’s successor is well underway and is expected to be finalised soon. In the interim, ACCAN’s Deputy CEO, Dr Gareth Downing, has been appointed Acting CEO until the process is completed. [ACCAN]
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.