This week
IN THE NEWS: Telstra releases 3G shutdown compatibility tool, ACCAN launches Affordable Devices service, and new consumer protections begin tomorrow
Telstra has launched an SMS device checker tool to determine whether a Telstra customers’ connection will be impacted by the 3G network closure on 30 June. Voice calls on 4G need a VoLTE-capable mobile to make a Triple Zero (000) call after 30 June on Telstra’s 4G network. To check if your Telstra mobile is compatible, SMS 3 to 3498. It is currently unclear whether the device checker tool is working for customers of MVNOs that use the Telstra network, such as Aldi Mobile, Boost and Belong. ACCAN will provide further information to consumers as this is clarified. [Telstra]
An ABC report last weekend voiced the concerns of regional Australians about continued access to emergency services once the 3G network closes. In regional areas, scant 3G network coverage is relied upon to report accidents and communicate during natural disasters. ACCAN raised concerns regarding device compatibility in the article. Separately, Colin Boyce, federal member for Flynn, has launched a petition to hold a Senate inquiry into regional telecommunications which would cover USO and 3G issues. Additionally, CommsDay reports that, following a successful motion by Senator Malcolm Roberts, the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee will hold an inquiry into the 3G shutdown. The usefulness of this inquiry may be limited as it is not due to report until November, which is after the planned closure of the last remaining 3G network (Optus) in September. [ABC]
ACCAN is glad to announce the launch of the Affordable Devices service, a comprehensive database of retailers and programs which help consumers access low-cost mobile phones, laptops, tablets and desktops. Affordable Devices is a result of research funded by ACCAN and conducted in 2023. It lists sources of low-cost devices, filtered by the State or Territory in which they are based, and provides detail as to whether the listed website is screen reader-friendly. We encourage you to explore the resource, available at the link above. [ACCAN]
New rules governing how telecommunications companies must deal with customers facing financial hardship are set to come into force tomorrow, Friday March 29th. The new Financial Hardship Standard is a critical improvement in consumer protections for telco consumers which ACCAN has long advocated for. The Standard sets out that telcos must provide appropriate support and prioritise keeping customers connected, and must also proactively identify customers struggling to meet payments. [Minister Rowland]
ACCAN has developed resources about the new Standard to inform consumers and those assisting struggling telco customers. Our consumer guide to the Financial Hardship Standard is linked above, and a longer guide for financial counsellors is also available. Customers and financial counsellors assisting customers only need to mention that they are having difficulty paying a bill in order to receive financial hardship support. [ACCAN]
The ACCC has announced that the superfast broadband access service (SBAS) will be pegged to the pricing of NBN services. There are more than a million households and premises who rely upon broadband connections outside of NBN’s service areas. The ACCC’s determination will ensure that 25 Mbps and 50 Mbps speed tier services will be benchmarked to NBN standards and pricing. Higher speed services will still be able to be sold at market rates. The decision provides certainty around pricing and service quality to these consumers, and ensures those outside NBN service areas are not at a disadvantage. [ACCC]
Telstra has completed an internal investigation into the triple-zero outage which affected several states, particularly Victoria, in the early hours of March 1. Technical faults, combined with a failure of backup processes and further communications issues, have been identified as causing the outage chaos. One patient in Melbourne passed away after a delayed ambulance response to an emergency call during the time period. Telstra CEO Vicki Brady has committed to personally overseeing improvement works on triple-zero systems. [ABC]
The Federal Government has received the Optus Outage Post-Incident Review, led by former ACMA Dep. Chair Richard Bean. The Review is the departmental assessment of the 2023 Optus outage, and will likely include details about what went wrong, communications handling and how to mitigate future outages. The Review will be released publicly alongside a government response once recommendations are considered. [Utility Magazine]
Telstra has launched a satellite internet service in conjunction with Starlink, after first announcing a partnership in June last year. For a lower monthly charge than what Starlink offers ($125 vs. $139), the product will provide lower peak speeds (50/10 vs. 140/30 Mbps) and a 4G backup connection. Upfront costs are significant, at just under $600. This marks the first product Starlink has launched in partnership with an Australian telco. [ITNews]
By way of reminder to readers, ACCAN’s CEO Andrew Williams finished with the organisation on 1 March. Recruitment for Andrew’s successor is well underway and is expected to be finalised soon. In the interim, ACCAN’s Deputy CEO, Dr Gareth Downing, has been appointed Acting CEO until the process is completed. [ACCAN]
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.