This week
IN THE NEWS: Telcos push for infrastructure cost sharing while reputations sink to new lows; NBN SAU variation enters next stage
This week is the last chance to secure discounted early bird pricing for the 2023 Communications Consumer Congress. ACCAN members and friends are encouraged to book soon to lock in the special price. [ACCAN]
Major Australian telecommunications providers have united to argue for rules that would force major users of bandwidth, particular streaming, gaming and cloud hosting companies, to share network infrastructure costs. While the preferred mechanism for doing so differs between telcos, Australian executives have pointed to recent European ‘fair share’ resolutions as a model for Australian arrangements. [The Guardian]
Roy Morgan polling on distrust among Australians has seen Optus overtake Facebook/Meta as the country’s least trusted brand. Through successive Roy Morgan polls, telecommunications companies have slipped below social media outfits to become the nation’s least trusted industry. Alongside Optus, Telstra remains in the bottom three overall least trusted brands. [Roy Morgan]
The ACCC has commenced consultation on NBN Co’s latest Special Access Undertaking (SAU) variation. ACCAN looks forward to representing consumer interests in the latest round of this process. This article also provides helpful background and explanatory information about the SAU process. [Mirage News]
ACCAN is seeking nominations for Directors to fill four (4) vacancies on its Board. All nominations must be received by 4pm AEST on the 29th August 2023. [ACCAN]
ACCAN will be well represented at this year’s Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum in Brisbane next week. CEO Andrew Williams will participate in a panel discussion on bridging the communications divide, and Director of Inclusion, Dr. Wayne Hawkins, will lead a conversation on the role of government in the purchasing of accessible ICT. [APrIGF]
Reports earlier in the week of a significant data breach at auDA (the .au domain administrator) have cooled after investigations found that files allegedly stolen by cybercriminals from auDA systems in fact were sourced from an external sole trader. Great news for auDA, and a timely reminder to remain cyber-aware and keep all systems, especially those which are security-critical, updated. [iTnews]
In response to last year’s Independent Review, telco consumers facing particular vulnerabilities will now have access to special support from the TIO in resolving their disputes. These customers may be victims of family violence, in financial hardship, or requiring extra care and sensitivity when discussing how their phone and internet issues impact their lives. [iTWire]
Applications are now open for the latest round of the Innovate with NBN grants program, which supports projects that enhance the digital capabilities of communities and businesses. Applications close 29th September. Any readers with promising tech projects are encouraged to apply. [Minister Rowland]
Since its launch on 1 June, more than 21,000 homes and businesses have signed up to the new Sky Muster Plus Premium service which offers customers uncapped data 24 hours a day and faster speeds of up to 100 Mbps. [Minister Rowland]
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.