This week
IN THE NEWS: DoorDash fined for spam breaches; Telstra, TPG to accept Competition Tribunal ruling, and ACCAN Consumer Congress coming soon.
Food delivery company DoorDash has paid a $2 million fine for sending over 500,000 promotional emails to customers who had unsubscribed from messages, and a similar number of texts to prospective drivers without providing an unsubscribe option. DoorDash is the latest of several companies to receive such penalties, with over $10 million in fines relating to spam and telemarketing breaches issued in the last 18 months. [ACMA]
Telstra and TPG have announced that they will not appeal the Australian Competition Tribunal’s decision made earlier this year to block an asset transfer arrangement between the two companies. The deal would have seen Telstra take over spectrum and transmission towers from TPG, and TPG continue to offer 4G and 5G coverage using Telstra infrastructure. [Reuters]
NBN Co has lodged an updated Special Access Undertaking variation proposal with the ACCC following several months of consultation. ACCAN looks forward to engaging with the ACCC to ensure consumers’ interests are represented in the final form of the SAU. [Minister Rowland]
Applications for the Telecommunications Disaster Resilience Innovation (TDRI) program are now open, with a range of telecommunications groups encouraged to propose projects to (among other solutions) reduce the impact of power outages and improve redundancy and resiliency in their networks. Applications are open until October 20. [Minister Rowland, Minister Watt]
ACCAN encourages its members to be aware of, and look for opportunities to make use of, the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) which has been extended for another 12 months. The SSBI provides eligible families with a year of free internet, available across all NBN technologies. [Minister Rowland]
There’s only one month until the 2023 Communications Consumer Congress kicks off in Sydney! With keynotes from Gerard Brody and Angelene Falk, and exciting panels (soon to be announced), this isn't an event to be missed. Updated Program available. [ACCAN]
ACCAN is seeking nominations for Directors to fill three (3) vacancies on its Board. In order to ensure an appropriate balance, the Board is particularly seeking candidates with legal and regulatory expertise; and/or experience in financial management and governance in a not-for-profit organisation; and/or with lived experience of disability; and/or small businesses; and/or an understanding of the issues affecting young consumers; and/or from an Indigenous background or with strong linkages to Indigenous communities. All nominations must be received by 4pm AEST on the 29th August 2023. [ACCAN]
eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant has called on the tech industry to step up protections around generative AI as the authority logs its first report of sexually explicit artificially generated imagery being used by children to bully others. [ABC]
In partnership with BHP, Vocus and Microsoft, data centre-as-a-service provider NextDC has announced the construction of a new centre in the Pilbara. Connectivity in the Pilbara and North-Western Australia more broadly is, according to NextDC, set to improve, benefitting the mining and resources sector in particular. [ITWire]
The ABC has published a very useful article on phishing scams. Follow the link above to learn more about this growing type of scam, including how they work and how to spot them. [ABC]
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.