This week
IN THE NEWS: Consumer protections in focus, ACMA compliance priorities, Telstra signs with Starlink and more…
ACCAN welcomes the release of the ACMA’s position paper setting out its views on the efficacy of the current TCP Code in providing appropriate consumer safeguards. [ACMA]
Further to the ACMA’s position paper, ACCAN welcomes the Minister for Communications’ direction that the Authority make an enforceable industry standard to ensure appropriate support is provided to telecommunications customers experiencing financial hardship. [Minister Rowland]
In a world-first offering, Telstra will be able to provide home phone service and Starlink broadband services to Aussies as a bundle offer, as well as local tech support and the option of professional installation. [Telstra]
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has released a Request for Information (RFI) relating to the National Audit of Mobile Coverage (the Audit), including a draft Statement of Requirements. The RFI can be accessed on AusTender as ATM 10029646. [DITRDCA]
ACCAN supports the ACMA’s compliance priorities for 2023-24 and is especially pleased to see the focus on consumer protections in relation to customers experiencing financial hardship and domestic and family violence. [ACMA]
Global financial services provider Perpetual Group has suffered a ransomware attack in which personal data has been pilfered. [ITWire]
The ACMA is warning consumers to be on the lookout for tax themed scam emails, SMS and calls over the coming months. Scammers are likely to take advantage of Australians who are submitting tax returns or waiting for the outcome of an assessment. [ACMA]
Local communities, councils and telcos are encouraged to have their say on new draft guidelines for the next $20 million round of the Peri-Urban Mobile Program (PUMP) that aims to improve mobile coverage on the urban fringes of communities across Australia. [Australian Government]
Another interesting article in the ongoing conversation about AI regulation. [Computerworld]
With the revised NBN Special Access Undertaking (SAU) proposal expected to be lodged with the ACCC imminently, there has been a great deal of debate around pricing plans for the lower speed tiers. This article summarises many of the key points raised by telcos, both large and small. [CRN]
WebNews #617
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is supported by the Commonwealth through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.