This week
IN THE NEWS: ACCAN National Reconciliation Week, Independent TCP Code Adviser appointed, AI Regulation and more
During National Reconciliation week earlier this month, ACCAN employees, who for the most part work remotely, were encouraged to visit a site of significance in their local area. Check out the reports on the ACCAN website. [ACCAN]
Earlier this week Communications Alliance (CA) announced the appointment of regulatory expert Michael Cosgrave as Independent Adviser on the revision of the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code. [Comms Alliance]
Eight Tasmanian state response agencies will be transitioning to new emergency services communications network provided by Telstra and Motorola Solutions. [ITWire]
$160M is available to community groups, councils, telcos and mobile network operators through the Regional Connectivity Program and Mobile Black Spot Program. Grant applications close 12 July 2023. [Minister Rowland]
Australian financial services firm FIIG Securities has confirmed that an unauthorised third party has acted illegally to gain access to its IT systems. [ITWire]
NBN is closing its Medical Alarm Register on 30 June. Anyone using a medical alarm on a legacy copper network should ensure they are registered before the closure date to assist with migration to the NBN network. [NBN Co]
US lawmakers recently introduced two bills related to artificial intelligence in the Senate as the proliferation of the technology continues to gather momentum after the launch of Microsoft-owned OpenAI’s generative AI driven ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. [Computerworld]
In what appears to be a big week for AI regulation, European Parliament lawmakers will also vote to kickstart talks to approve the world's first sweeping rules on artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT, aiming to curb potential harms while nurturing innovation. [News]
The ACCC’s quarterly report released this week shows that lower speed internet plans have gained popularity while smaller telcos continue to grow market share. [ACCC]
For the first time since 2018, the IIC's Telecommunications and Media Forum will be held in Sydney this August, providing an excellent opportunity for members and industry participants to come together to discuss hot topics through its two-day programme. [IIC]
WebNews #614
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