This week
IN THE NEWS: IN THE NEWS: Federal Government set to trial unmetered data in the bush, ACCC publishes submissions on proposed variation to future NBN regulation and more
The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of a trial which will give up to 10,000 regional Australians on NBN Sky Muster Plus access to unmetered monthly data allowances and faster speeds in a bid to boost internet quality in the bush. Beginning in March and running through to May this year, the trial aims to deliver faster download speeds of up to 100 Mbps for regional customers. Faster satellite services without data allowances is very good news for households and small businesses in regional and remote Australia. [ACCAN media release]
The ACCC has published the submissions received about NBN Co’s proposed variation to its Special Access Undertaking. The Special Access Undertaking is a key part of the regulation of the NBN. It sets the rules for broadband providers to access the NBN over the coming decades, which can include minimum service standards and wholesale price controls. [ACCC media release]
Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) and Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN Co), announced that the companies have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will open pathways for greater collaboration in research, development, and innovation of fixed wireless telecommunications technologies. [Ericsson media release]
Five data breaches that occurred in the back half of 2022 impacted at least 1 million people, according to the latest statistics by the the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). As iTnews reported yesterday, a freedom of information request resulted in some OAIC breach data becoming public ahead of the report’s release. [itnews]
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced a new Coordinator for Cyber Security, one that will oversee Australia’s progress in giving “Australian businesses and families confidence, stability and security, in the face of rapidly evolving threats”. The new cyber security coordinator will be supported by the National Office for Cyber Security within the Department of Home Affairs, and an advisory board that comprises former Telstra CEO Andy Penn, Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld and Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre CEO Rachael Falk. [Gizmodo]
TPG Telecom has released its results for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 showing “continued gains” in mobile subscriber numbers and reporting growth in service revenue and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA). TPG Telecom reported service revenue of $4,439 million in FY22, up 1.5 per cent on FY21, while earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) was $2,135 million, up 23.6 per cent - including a $402 million accounting gain from the sale of passive tower and rooftop assets to OMERS Infrastructure Management in July 2022. [iTWire]
The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government will invest $250 million to boost mobile reception in the bush in small communities, tourism hotspots, and along key transport corridors, it announced. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said the program would drive better coverage and better choice in the regions. While there are more than 120 mobile towers across regional NSW to boost coverage in blackspot areas, Toole acknowledged “there’s more to do.” [iTWire]
Since launching late last year ChatGPT has been the talk of so many parts of the world — in education, marketing and widely reported in the news due to concerns about its impact on education and jobs. This week in Barcelona the biggest smartphone, mobile network providers and telcos are gathered for the annual Mobile World Congress to discuss the latest technology in mobile, but it seems ChatGPT is all the talk here too. Telstra CEO Vicki Brady spoke exclusively to 9News.com.au in Barcelona, saying, "everyone's talking about chatGPT, you can't look anywhere without it being talked about". [Nine News]
Maximum 5G download speeds have nearly reached 1Gbps, with Norway leading at 994Mbps and Spain at 993.60Mbps, topping rankings for maximum 5G download speeds for indoors and outdoors, and is trailed by US and Austria behind with outdoor tests delivering 966Mbps and 921.10Mbps respectively, according to the Global Cellular Performance Survey conducted by Cellsmart, the cellular intelligence division of SmartCIC. [iTWire]
Losing your iPhone is bad. Losing your entire digital life, from photos to finances, is traumatic. Unfortunately, the latter is all too common. Journalist Joanna Stern recently published a report with The Wall Street Journal detailing how thieves in places like New York aren’t just stealing iPhones, but every valuable piece of data inside them as well. The culprit? The humble iPhone passcode. [lifehacker]
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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network's representation of residential and other consumers' interests in relation to telecommunications issues is made possible by funding provided by the Commonwealth of Australia under section 593 of the Telecommunications Act 1997. This funding is recovered from charges on telecommunications carriers.