The Board of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) today announces that, for personal reasons, ACCAN’s CEO Andrew Williams, will leave the organisation in February 2024.
Professor Julian Thomas, ACCAN’s Chairperson said, “Andrew has been with ACCAN for nearly five years, firstly as our Director of Operations and as our CEO for the last two years. During this time he has led the organisation through a period of significant transition and on behalf of the Board I thank him very much for his contributions.
Andrew and I have been discussing the possibility of an earlier departure from ACCAN for some time and I fully understand the reasons for it and respect his decision to do so.”
Mr Williams said, “It has been a privilege to work for, and to ultimately lead ACCAN, and I thank the Board, and particularly the ACCAN staff and members for their support during my time here.
The time is right for me to step back from full-time work and I look forward to following ACCAN’s journey closely in the future. I wish everybody all the very best.”
The ACCAN Board will commence an Executive Search for its next CEO in due course.
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