The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has welcomed the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) acceptance of NBN Co’s Special Access Undertaking (SAU) Variation.
The SAU sets out the rules by which NBN Co provides wholesale access to retailers. It will determine the price and quality of voice and broadband services delivered over the NBN until 2040.
As Australia’s peak communications consumer body ACCAN has been engaged in consultation on the SAU with industry, government and regulators since the process began over two years ago.
ACCAN CEO Andrew Williams said: “It's been a long road to get to this point but we’re very pleased that the process is now finalised.
“The approval of the SAU Variation brings certainty to the communications sector, which had been discussing, proposing and negotiating amendments to the SAU since 2021.
“One of the most pleasing outcomes is that consumers now have a real foot in the door, with much stronger consumer engagement, as well as a low-income forum embedded in the regulation,” said Mr Williams.
ACCAN Deputy CEO Dr Gareth Downing said: "The SAU promises to place consumers at the heart of expenditure and service delivery conversations, but it's critical that consumer groups are resourced to genuinely engage with NBN and industry on these critical matters that impact our daily lives. Living up to this promise is key to driving greater value for consumers and NBN over the life of the SAU".
We congratulate the ACCC and NBN in finalising this process in time for new commercial agreements to be in place before the end of the year, thereby providing pricing and service certainty for consumers.”
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