The board of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is pleased to announce the appointment of Teresa Corbin as the peak communications’ body new Chief Executive. Ms Corbin is currently Acting CEO at ACCAN and will move immediately into the new role.
“We are delighted that Teresa will take ACCAN into its next phase as we continue our advocacy for accessible, available and affordable communications for all Australians” Sue Salthouse, ACCAN Chairperson, said today.
Ms Corbin has been a leading advocate for consumers in the telecommunications industry over the past 15 years. As CEO at the Consumers’ Telecommunications Network, Ms Corbin represented consumers nationally and internationally in both government and industry forums on technical and regulatory matters.
After co-ordinating the team that established ACCAN in 2009, Ms Corbin was awarded the Australian Telecommunications Users Group Chairman’s Award for her outstanding contribution to communications users. As Deputy CEO at ACCAN over the past year, she has continued to work for equity and fairness for consumers in the communications marketplace.
“ACCAN has earned a reputation for putting consumer concerns back at the top of the industry’s agenda. It’s now time for consumers to be put at the centre stage, as we change the culture of poor customer service in the communications industry,” said Ms Corbin, ACCAN Chief Executive.
“The ACMA’s Reconnecting the Customer Inquiry is currently underway and presents a unique opportunity to get better outcomes for both industry and consumers” said Ms Corbin.
“We need better industry practices and smarter regulation, so that customers come first and are given a fair go. We cannot afford to migrate the existing bad practices to the new era of the National Broadband Network.”
“I also look forward to building on ACCAN’s strong research portfolio and finding new ways to empower consumers to act on their own behalf.”
“I am pleased to be taking up the baton from Allan Asher, ACCAN’s inaugural CEO and to be leading a fantastic team of consumer advocates.”
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