The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) welcomes the ACMA's action to direct six providers to comply with the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code. The six telcos listed by the ACMA have failed to lodge compliance documents with Communications Compliance (CommCom) by 1 April, 2015. They also failed to lodge this documentation with CommCom in 2014.
In ACCAN's view the TCP Code compliance regime is a light touch approach. Under the Code each telco that provides services to consumers must lodge two documents with CommCom annually by 1 April. These documents are: a Customer Information Compliance Statement setting out where customers can access information that is required to be made public and a Compliance Attestation that is endorsed by the CEO or a senior manager confirming that it complies with the Code and has a Compliance Plan that meets Australian Standards.
"The six telcos that have been directed to comply by the ACMA have had ample time to lift their game and submit the required documentation to CommCom," said ACCAN CEO, Teresa Corbin. "We are glad to see that the ACMA is using its powers to direct these telcos to comply with the TCP Code to ensure consumer protections are in place."
"There's an appropriate level of service that is required in the telecommunications industry, if telcos aren't compliant with the TCP Code then consumers lose out on important consumer protections. ACCAN is involved in important industry discussions to ensure that the current consumer protections remain in the Code. It's critical that the ACMA steps in where providers are found to be non-compliant. We are pleased to see this occurring," added Ms Corbin.
The ACMA also reported an increase in the number of compliant providers in 2015 with 391 lodging the required documents. This is up from 331 in 2014 and 225 in 2013.
We also support the ACMA's review of telco advertising to ensure compliance with the Code. The review produced positive results with 25 of the 27 advertisements reviewed found to be compliant. The Code states that advertising should have clear and accurate information that helps consumers to make informed decisions about the products they are purchasing. The advertisements that were reviewed were from a range of telcos. The two that were not compliant are now the subject of further inquiries.
For more information, contact Luke Sutton on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0409 966 931.
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