William Tibben (University of Wollongong) and Gunela Astbrink (GSA Information Consultants)

Grant round: 2011 

Grant Amount: $38,390

This project undertook a systematic review of over 30 OECD countries and international best practice to provide a foundation document for advocacy to include accessibility criteria in government ICT public procurement policy and practice in Australia. International experience indicates that people with disability will benefit in the long run from the inclusion of accessibility criteria in ICT public procurement policy, because it can facilitate opportunities for employment of people with disability in the public sector, encourage a marketplace of more accessible ICT products, and ensure that government services are accessible. An Advocacy Toolkit has been developed in consultation with other advocacy organisations and people with disability, to empower the community to help put accessibility criteria on the public procurement agenda. A sample letter has also been produced  for disability advocates and representatives to use in writing to government representatives.


Download: Accessible Communications: Tapping the Potential in Public ICT Procurement Policy [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 1.96 MB]



Download: Accessible Communications: Tapping the Potential in Public ICT Procurement Policy [Word Document - 1.35 MB]



Download: Advocacy Toolkit [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 1.51 MB]



Download: Advocacy Toolkit [Word 2007 Document - 53.09 KB]