The Regional Telecommunications Review is the only review that examines horizontal, or geographic, equity in telecommunications services and so is of value to consumers.
The timing of the 2015 review creates its own challenges, as two large infrastructure projects, namely the Mobile Black Spots Programme and the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN), are still in motion. It is difficult to predict what gaps will still exist going forward. In our submission ACCAN has tried to outline issues that it sees are persistent. Furthermore we have made suggestions on how these might be addressed.
ACCAN's submission sets out our opinion on the issues surrounding affordability of services, demand for services, NBN, backhaul, mobile, funding, services required and consumer safeguards. Throughout the submission we will draw on our members feedback and consumer contacts, (in the form of case studies) of issues that consumers face in regional areas. See below for a full copy of the submission.
Download: ACCAN Submission to Regional Telecommunications.docx1.08 MB
Download: ACCAN Submission to Regional Telecommunications.pdf976.41 KB