On 13 September 2024, ACCAN, the Consumer Action Law Centre, CHOICE and Super Consumers Australia welcomed an announcement from the Albanese Government that consultation on a draft bill - the proposed Scams Prevention Framework - will start today. The joint statement can be found below.

“I congratulate Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones and the Albanese Government for pushing ahead with these scam reforms, and imposing tough obligations on industry to protect consumers, I want to thank him for this important work,” Consumer Action Law Centre CEO Stephanie Tonkin said.

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ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Social Services’ consultation on the Review of Australia’s Disability Strategy. 

ACCAN notes that accessible communications and technology are central to the success of the Australian Disability Strategy (ADS).

Changes to Triple Zero rules announced by Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland today are an important step to enhance public safety.

ACCAN – Australia’s peak body for communications consumers – welcomes today’s announcement by the Minister that several new requirements will apply to mobile carriers in relation to the Triple Zero service.

The range of changes included in a ministerial direction to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will amend the Emergency Call Service Determination.