Rebecca Glenn

Founder | Management Director | CEO

Rebecca founded the Centre for Women’s Economic Safety (CWES) to raise awareness of economic abuse as a form of domestic and family violence and advocate for structural and systems change to support women’s economic safety. From 2018 to 2021 she worked at Insight Exchange (Domestic Violence NSW Service Management) with a focus on resistance and responses to violence and abuse.

Before Insight Exchange and CWES, she worked for the Commonwealth Bank (CBA) developing its employee financial wellbeing program. As a member of CBA’s Domestic and Family Violence Working Group Rebecca worked with a range of experts to develop the Women’s Financial Wellbeing Guide and partnered with Domestic Violence NSW to produce the Addressing Financial Abuse Guide. She also led development of the bank’s first Financial Inclusion Action Plan.

Rebecca developed her passion for financial wellbeing while working as a communications executive at the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA). In that capacity she was an Executive Committee member and Campaign Director for MoneySmart Week before being appointed founding CEO of not-for-profit organisation, Financial Literacy Australia in 2013.

In 2019, she was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to investigate service responses to women experiencing or escaping domestic economic abuse in the UK, USA and Canada. You can find her report on the Churchill Trust website. Rebecca is also an AMP Tomorrow Maker (2021).