ACCAN has recently submitted to the telco regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), about renewing regulations that require Telstra to record and share information about their payphone services with the ACMA. ACCAN supported the remaking of the Record Keeping Rules. In addition, we argued that records about payphone performance should be routinely audited, and payphone performance information should be publicly available.

Information about payphone performance – including the number of payphones in operation, and information about faults and repairs – is no longer publicly available due to a legislative change in 2019. ACCAN’s submission argued that information regarding the availability and performance of payphones should be publicly available for accountability and transparency.

Additionally, ACCAN argued that the Record Keeping Rules should be amended to allow the ACMA to routinely request an audit of payphone performance records. Currently, the ACMA may only request an audit if it has a specific reason to believe an audit is necessary.

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