This week, at the conclusion of the final public consultation process, ACCAN formally denounced the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP Code) by calling on the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) not to register the code.
This will come as no surprise to many readers and follows years of participation on TCP reviews and egregious Code breaches that have harmed consumers. The Code faces a growing chorus of dissent including from the ACCC, TIO, some industry participants, the RRRCC, and 22 consumer organisations who have formed a dedicated ‘Fair Call’ campaign united in opposition to the capacity for the TCP Code to deliver consumer protections especially to the most vulnerable consumers.
In our media release, we called on the ACMA to reject the Code and introduce stronger, mandatory rules for the sector especially around irresponsible sales practice and inappropriate credit assessment. This follows several lengthy submissions on previous draft Codes. After each draft, we found critical shortcomings which prevent the Code from providing appropriate community safeguards to communications consumers, yet it has continued to receive the tick from the ACMA.
The final draft offers no substantive improvement. We have no option but to stand up for consumers and call for the Code to be scrapped.
This follows last week’s launch of the Fair Call Coalition- a union of twenty-two consumer organisations. They issued a powerful call to the ACMA, asking for them to reject the Code and implement direct regulation in its place. Many consumer sector leaders, including Bush Money Mob’s Alan Gray, Council on the Ageing’s Patricia Sparrow and Financial Counselling Australia’s Peter Gartlan. ACCAN joined the Fair Call Coalition on Monday this week.
We have seen a great deal of media interest this week about disaster resilient communications, and how emerging technology can keep people connected during future disasters.
I told 4BC Brisbane, ABC News Radio and ABC television about how Low Earth Orbit Satellite (LEOSat) technology will soon allow for a massive expansion of voice and SMS coverage across Australia. Though commercial availability is still pending - expected next year, or by 2027 at the latest, the government is moving to incorporate this technology into a future universal service scheme. You can find some of my recent commentary on talkback radio here - or otherwise click here to read my contributions to an ABC online piece. I was also interviewed by Susan Graham-Ryan on ABC QLD on Tuesday (interview begins at 1h, 7min). ACCAN will have more to say soon on data which has just been released about LEOSat voice call performance. It is now available here for interested readers.
Finally, it was my great pleasure to join some of my team and our consumer colleagues to attend the Ruby Hutchison Memorial Lecture in Sydney on Thursday evening. The Lecture is hosted by the ACCC and CHOICE – and is an excellent opportunity to connect with decision makers and consumer voices about matters of mutual interest to consumers.
As we move closer to a Federal election, ACCAN will continue to advocate strongly for the best interests of the Australian communications consumers, in partnership with our stakeholders and members. Thank you for the valuable role you play.
Read on for a summary of this week’s key communications issues.