ACCAN argues that the Universal Service Obligation (USO) legislative framework must include obligations to provide the infrastructure that will ensure universal access for all Australians to communications services. We also urge a review of the definition of universal service.


ACCAN makes suggestions for improving transparency in the legislative framework for the USO. It is important that the substance of the USO is not  buried in complex contracts or in a public register which is difficult for the public to access and understand. All elements of the USO, including the details on which entity is responsible for providing what service, must be made public in a single document that is released for public comment and reviewed regularly.

Submission to: DBCDE Discussion Paper on Universal Service Obligation Legislative Reform for transition to the National Broadband Network

Status: Submitted

Download: USO Legislative Reform.doc [Word Document - 934 KB]

Download: USO Legislative Reform.pdf [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 120.14 KB]