Index of /files/News items/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
File041018 Confidence in the connected world.docx2018-04-10 09:21 480k
File041018 Confidence in the connected world.pdf2018-04-10 09:21 708k
File05.11.21 - ACCAN Speech at NetThing 2021.docx2021-11-05 10:41 68k
File05.11.21 - ACCAN Speech at NetThing 2021.pdf2021-11-05 10:43 248k
File08.04.19 - ACCAN CEO Teresa Corbin 2019 CommsDay Summit Speech.docx2019-04-11 14:27 28k
File08.04.19 - ACCAN CEO Teresa Corbin 2019 CommsDay Summit Speech.pdf2019-04-11 14:28 568k
File150322 - CommsDay Congress - Andrew Williams.docx2022-03-15 12:10 52k
File150322 - CommsDay Congress - Andrew Williams.pdf2022-03-15 12:10 276k
File170919 RRRCC takes case for BetterBushComms to nbn headquarters.docx2017-09-19 15:43 408k
File180410 ACCAN presentation at CommsDay Summit 2018.docx2018-04-10 11:42 48k
File180410 ACCAN presentation at CommsDay Summit 2018.pdf2018-04-10 11:42 516k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - ACT Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acc...2020-04-29 17:34 60k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - NSW Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acc...2020-04-29 17:37 60k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - NT Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acce...2020-04-29 17:40 60k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - QLD Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acc...2020-04-29 17:37 60k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - SA Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acce...2020-04-29 17:38 60k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - TAS Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acc...2020-05-01 09:28 60k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - VIC Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acc...2020-04-29 17:39 60k
File29.04.20 - ACCAN - WA Government Responses to Online Learning and Device Acce...2020-04-29 17:40 60k
File2G network switch offs - what you need to know - March 2017.docx2017-03-29 11:14 48k
File2G network switch offs - what you need to know - March 2017.pdf2017-03-29 11:14 260k
File9 April 18 Commsdaysummit2018.pdf2018-04-09 15:41 504k
FileA look back at our past National Conferences.docx2015-07-07 09:14 20k
FileA look back at our past National Conferences.pdf2015-07-07 09:15 292k
FileA telecommunications guarantee for the future.docx2017-01-20 11:54 48k
FileA telecommunications guarantee for the future.pdf2017-01-20 11:54 216k
FileAAPT2.doc2015-01-23 16:34 1408k
FileACCAN Cyber-Security Roundtable summary.doc2015-01-23 16:34 80k
FileACCAN Cyber-Security Roundtable summary.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 252k
FileACCAN Data retention factsheet FINAL.doc2015-07-03 16:10 80k
FileACCAN Data retention factsheet FINAL.pdf2015-07-03 16:11 392k
FileACCAN Federal Election wrap up_FINAL.docx2016-07-29 15:25 48k
FileACCAN Federal Election wrap up_FINAL.pdf2016-07-29 15:26 224k
FileACCAN members have their say.docx2016-07-01 14:23 48k
FileACCAN members have their say.pdf2016-07-01 14:24 256k
FileACCAN Presentation CommsDay Congress April 2016.docx2016-04-07 14:13 28k
FileACCAN presentation CommsDay Congress April 2016.pdf2016-04-07 14:14 2440k
FileACCAN presentation_Commsday_April 2018_final.pptx2018-04-10 11:40 6408k
FileACCAN_Consultation_Paper.doc2015-01-23 16:34 448k
FileACCAN_Consultation_Paper.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 564k
FileACCAN_Media_Release_Expressions_of_Interest_Extension.doc2015-01-23 16:34 112k
FileACCAN_Media_Release_Expressions_of_Interest_Extension.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 120k
FileACCAN_Media_Release_Independent_Grants_Scheme_Open.doc2015-01-23 16:34 116k
FileACCAN_Media_Release_Independent_Grants_Scheme_Open.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 120k
FileACCAN_Media_Release_Responsive_Regulation _and_Policy_Seminar.doc2015-01-23 16:34 112k
FileACCAN_Media_Release_Responsive_Regulation _and_Policy_Seminar.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 220k
FileACCANect Conference speakers and panellists revealed.docx2016-07-28 08:55 48k
FileACCANect Conference speakers and panellists revealed.pdf2016-07-28 08:55 208k
FileACCANs Disability Mystery Shopping report 2017.docx2017-09-13 10:35 56k
FileACCANs Disability Mystery Shopping report 2017.pdf2017-09-13 10:36 268k
FileAccessibility Best-Practice Resources Document - Website.docx2023-09-05 15:23 4768k
FileAccessibility Best-Practice Resources Document - Website.pdf2023-09-05 15:23 352k
FileAccessibility issues in 2018 FINAL.docx2018-03-13 14:32 48k
FileAccessibility issues in 2018 FINAL.pdf2018-03-13 14:32 232k
FileAdvancing fair outcomes for all consumers.docx2018-03-14 15:22 48k
FileAdvancing fair outcomes for all consumers.pdf2018-03-14 15:22 348k
FileAffordable communications for all Australians.docx2015-08-03 14:01 24k
FileAffordable communications for all Australians.pdf2015-08-03 14:01 364k
FileAll we want in 2018 is BetterBushComms.docx2017-12-06 09:48 48k
FileAll we want in 2018 is BetterBushComms.pdf2017-12-06 09:48 252k
FileAn interview with keynote speaker Claire Milne.docx2015-08-10 11:30 24k
FileAn interview with keynote speaker Claire Milne.pdf2015-08-10 11:30 392k
FileApps For All Challenge 2015.doc2015-05-01 10:01 92k
FileApps For All Challenge 2015.pdf2015-05-01 10:02 232k
FileApps For All Challenge shortlist announced.docx2015-08-24 13:39 24k
FileApps For All Challenge shortlist announced.pdf2015-08-24 13:40 424k
FileAre Christmas lights affecting your Wi-Fi.docx2015-12-15 12:07 24k
FileAre Christmas lights affecting your Wi-Fi.pdf2015-12-15 12:07 312k
FileauDA-direct-regns20171102.docx2017-11-03 14:33 156k
FileauDA-direct-regns20171102.pdf2017-11-03 14:34 496k
FileAustralian mobile benchmark shows improved network coverage FINAL.docx2015-10-14 11:35 1500k
FileAustralian mobile benchmark shows improved network coverage FINAL.pdf2015-10-14 11:36 1604k
FileBCR Chief Economist Paul Paterson.docx2016-01-18 11:14 32k
FileBCR consultation on regional NBN funding.docx2015-10-20 11:40 24k
FileBCR consultation on regional NBN funding.pdf2015-10-20 11:42 336k
FileBroadband for the Bush speech 2016.docx2016-06-09 15:20 36k
FileBroadband for the Bush speech 2016.pdf2016-06-09 15:20 404k
FileBroadband speed claims - whats happening overseas.docx2016-08-10 10:09 48k
FileBroadband speed claims - whats happening overseas.pdf2016-08-10 10:10 208k
FileBuilding a Digital World Consumers can Trust.docx2017-03-10 16:07 48k
FileBuilding a Digital World Consumers can Trust.pdf2017-03-10 16:07 248k
FileBush Coalition members outline NBN concerns.docx2017-05-03 09:47 48k
FileBush Coalition members outline NBN concerns.pdf2017-05-03 09:47 240k
FileCalling for telecommunications funding in the Federal Budget.docx2018-02-01 15:50 48k
FileCalling for telecommunications funding in the Federal Budget.pdf2018-02-01 15:51 336k
FileCan I download a car.docx2016-07-28 14:06 48k
FileCan I download a car.pdf2016-07-28 14:07 312k
FileCAPTCHA letter.docx2015-01-23 16:34 20k
FileCaptioning videos on YouTube and Facebook.docx2016-05-24 17:29 24k
FileCaptioning videos on YouTube and Facebook.pdf2016-05-24 17:30 424k
FileChanges to Mobile Black Spot Programme criteria for Round 2.docx2016-03-01 11:03 24k
FileChanges to Mobile Black Spot Programme criteria for Round 2.pdf2016-03-01 11:04 364k
FileComms Coalition reminds regional households to switch to Sky Muster before 28...2017-02-17 14:19 48k
FileComms Coalition reminds regional households to switch to Sky Muster before 28...2017-02-17 14:20 220k
FileComms_Day_speech_8_October_2013.docx2015-01-23 16:34 216k
FileComms_Day_speech_8_October_2013.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 424k
FileCommsday Forum - 14 June 23 As presented.docx2023-06-15 08:52 48k
FileCommsday Forum - 14 June 23 As presented.pdf2023-06-15 08:52 168k
FileCommunications Consumer Questions Election 2016.docx2016-05-25 10:04 20k
FileCommunications Consumer Questions Election 2016.pdf2016-05-25 10:05 224k
FileCompensation for telecommunications outages 2023.docx2023-11-10 11:11 56k
FileCompensation for telecommunications outages 2023.pdf2023-11-10 11:11 128k
FileCompensation for telecommunications outages.docx2016-07-04 10:08 48k
FileCompensation for telecommunications outages.pdf2016-07-04 10:09 236k
FileConfusion over NBN backup batteries FINAL.pdf2015-10-23 10:50 228k
FileConnecting the Country-ACCAN forum.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 184k
FileConsumer Advocacy Election Platform 2010.doc2015-01-23 16:34 56k
FileConsumer Advocacy Election Platform 2010.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 4132k
FileCOVIDSafe App Community Sector Letter to Government.pdf2020-05-11 16:59 448k
FileCybersafety for kids and teens.docx2015-10-12 10:00 28k
FileCybersafety for kids and teens.pdf2015-10-12 10:00 252k
FileDodo2.doc2015-01-23 16:34 1404k
FileEarly bird pricing for ACCAN Conference ends on Friday.docx2015-07-27 15:00 20k
FileEarly bird pricing for ACCAN Conference ends on Friday.pdf2015-07-27 15:01 376k
FileEmergency broadcasts and Auslan interpreters.docx2015-12-18 13:58 28k
FileEmergency broadcasts and Auslan interpreters.pdf2015-12-18 14:01 236k
FileExplore the connected world at ACCANect 2017.docx2017-06-29 10:34 48k
FileExplore the connected world at ACCANect 2017.pdf2017-06-29 10:35 232k
FileExtra funding for Mobile Black Spot Programme.docx2016-05-26 12:29 20k
FileExtra funding for Mobile Black Spot Programme.pdf2016-05-26 12:29 228k
FileFacebook group helping rural consumers with internet issues.docx2016-04-18 10:29 24k
FileFacebook group helping rural consumers with internet issues.pdf2016-04-18 10:30 240k
FileFact Check Communication Alliance and nbn media releases.docx2017-10-18 16:30 72k
FileFact Check Communication Alliance and nbn media releases.pdf2017-10-18 16:31 424k
FileFixing auto-caption on YouTube FINAL.docx2015-11-09 10:05 24k
FileFixing auto-caption on YouTube FINAL.pdf2015-11-09 10:06 228k
FileFraudulent mobile number porting and identity theft FINAL.docx2017-04-26 09:40 52k
FileFraudulent mobile number porting and identity theft FINAL.pdf2017-04-26 09:40 344k
FileGalaxy Research Fact Sheet.doc2015-01-23 16:34 148k
FileGalaxy Research Fact Sheet.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 96k
FileGetting a refund for unattainable NBN speeds - December update.docx2017-12-21 10:54 52k
FileGetting a refund for unattainable NBN speeds - December update.pdf2017-12-21 10:54 344k
FileGoing online on behalf of others.docx2016-01-11 15:00 20k
FileGoing online on behalf of others.pdf2016-01-11 15:01 304k
FileGoTalk2.doc2015-01-23 16:34 1404k
FileGrand Intentions - a novel about the Australian telco industry.docx2017-01-18 15:11 48k
FileGrand Intentions - a novel about the Australian telco industry.pdf2017-01-18 15:12 304k
FileGreat outcome for consumers who rely on captions FINAL.docx2016-01-13 09:13 20k
FileGreat outcome for consumers who rely on captions FINAL.pdf2016-01-13 09:14 228k
FileHave your say on broadband speed claims.docx2016-07-27 11:11 48k
FileHave your say on broadband speed claims.pdf2016-07-27 11:11 336k
FileHaving a say on the USO part one.docx2017-02-22 14:15 48k
FileHaving a say on the USO part one.pdf2017-02-22 14:16 224k
FileHaving a say on the USO part three.docx2017-03-03 09:07 48k
FileHaving a say on the USO part three.pdf2017-03-03 09:07 228k
FileHaving a say on the USO part two FINAL.docx2017-03-01 10:40 48k
FileHaving a say on the USO part two FINAL.pdf2017-03-01 10:41 220k
FileHelping people Leep into the digital world.docx2017-09-28 12:26 48k
FileHelping people Leep into the digital world.pdf2017-09-28 12:26 316k
FileHighlights from our past Conferences.docx2016-07-05 09:34 48k
FileHighlights from our past Conferences.pdf2016-07-05 09:34 336k
FileHow do you pay your bill.docx2016-04-18 12:28 20k
FileHow do you pay your bill.pdf2016-04-18 12:28 240k
FileHow much will excess mobile data cost you_Jan18.docx2018-01-15 14:32 48k
FileHow much will excess mobile data cost you_Jan18.pdf2018-01-15 14:33 244k
FileHow safe are IoT devices.docx2017-10-16 11:27 48k
FileHow safe are IoT devices.pdf2017-10-16 11:27 336k
FileHow to make a complaint about slow broadband speeds.docx2016-09-05 14:20 48k
FileHow to make a complaint about slow broadband speeds.pdf2016-09-05 14:20 212k
FileIn the field - ACCAN Grants Scheme 2012-17.docx2017-07-12 15:28 52k
FileIn the field - ACCAN Grants Scheme 2012-17.pdf2017-07-12 15:29 260k
FileIndi residents experiencing a range of telecommunications issues.docx2015-07-30 15:14 20k
FileIndi residents experiencing a range of telecommunications issues.pdf2015-07-30 15:14 200k
FileIndigenous consumer education.docx2017-04-05 11:22 48k
FileIndigenous consumer education.pdf2017-04-05 11:22 212k
FileInnovative ways of connecting remote communities FINAL.docx2017-08-16 10:35 48k
FileInnovative ways of connecting remote communities FINAL.pdf2017-08-16 10:36 232k
FileInternational roaming usage notifications delayed.docx2016-02-26 12:01 24k
FileInternational roaming usage notifications delayed.pdf2016-02-26 12:02 248k
FileIntroducing the 2016 ACCAN Grants projects FINAL.docx2016-06-15 10:38 48k
FileIntroducing the 2016 ACCAN Grants projects FINAL.pdf2016-06-15 10:39 416k
FileIntroducing the 2017-18 ACCAN Grants projects.docx2017-09-18 13:50 48k
FileIntroducing the 2017-18 ACCAN Grants projects.pdf2017-09-18 13:51 348k
FileIntroducing the Document Accessibility Toolbar FINAL.docx2015-12-03 08:53 24k
FileIntroducing the Document Accessibility Toolbar FINAL.pdf2015-12-03 08:54 240k
FileIs there value in a shared plan.docx2015-09-22 15:40 28k
FileIs there value in a shared plan.pdf2015-09-22 15:40 252k
FileLetter to MPs and Ministers re Centrelink Telephone Allowance.pdf2016-06-21 11:05 388k
FileLetter to political parties - online captioning.docx2016-06-07 09:48 248k
FileLetter to political parties - online captioning.pdf2016-06-07 09:50 396k
FileManaging your digital legacy.docx2016-06-09 15:54 24k
FileManaging your digital legacy.pdf2016-06-09 15:54 312k
FileMC and keynote confirmed for ACCANect Conference.docx2016-07-12 09:17 48k
FileMC and keynote confirmed for ACCANect Conference.pdf2016-07-12 09:18 216k
FileMore captioning needed on Australian TV.docx2016-07-27 09:26 48k
FileMore captioning needed on Australian TV.pdf2016-07-27 09:27 232k
FileMore specialist small business telco services needed.docx2016-05-24 09:30 28k
FileMore specialist small business telco services needed.pdf2016-05-24 09:30 320k
FileNBN - not just about internet services.docx2016-09-28 14:37 48k
FileNBN - not just about internet services.pdf2016-09-28 14:38 300k
Filenbn pauses new HFC connections.docx2017-11-27 15:30 48k
Filenbn pauses new HFC connections.pdf2017-11-27 15:31 328k
FileNBN_Telstra_Summary_Sheet.doc2015-01-23 16:34 784k
FileNBN_Telstra_Summary_Sheet.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 324k
FileNetwork and be inspired at the ACCANect Conference.docx2016-07-18 09:49 48k
FileNetwork and be inspired at the ACCANect Conference.pdf2016-07-18 09:49 304k
FileNew Telco Cost of Living Protections Blog Post.docx2024-03-18 15:18 4396k
FileNew Telco Cost of Living Protections Blog Post.pdf2024-03-18 15:18 456k
FileNomination Call 2017 v2 final.doc2017-08-07 09:39 784k
FileNOMINATION FORM 2015.doc2015-07-17 12:23 776k
FileNOMINATION FORM 2015.pdf2015-07-17 12:23 28k
FileNOMINATION FORM 2017 v2 final.doc2017-08-07 09:37 780k
FileNomination Guidelines 2014.doc2015-01-23 16:34 780k
FileNomination Guidelines 2015.doc2015-07-17 12:22 784k
FileNumber one telco issue for small business is access.docx2017-01-11 09:32 48k
FileNumber one telco issue for small business is access.pdf2017-01-11 09:32 232k
FileOne week until the ACCAN Conference.docx2015-08-24 16:41 20k
FileOne week until the ACCAN Conference.pdf2015-08-24 16:42 328k
FileOptus2.doc2015-01-23 16:34 1404k
FileOur interview with the new TIO Judi Jones.docx2016-06-27 11:08 48k
FileOur interview with the new TIO Judi Jones.pdf2016-06-27 11:09 228k
FileOur take on the telco specific competition law reforms.docx2017-02-15 11:43 48k
FileOur take on the telco specific competition law reforms.pdf2017-02-15 11:44 328k
FileOur top tips for buying a smartphone this Christmas_FINAL.docx2015-12-15 11:40 24k
FileOur top tips for buying a smartphone this Christmas_FINAL.pdf2015-12-15 11:40 340k
FilePhone and internet tips for the holidays.docx2017-12-12 11:35 48k
FilePhone and internet tips for the holidays.pdf2017-12-12 11:35 236k
FilePositive outcomes from TIO review.docx2017-12-19 12:13 48k
FilePositive outcomes from TIO review.pdf2017-12-19 12:13 232k
FilePreparing small businesses for a telecommunications outage.docx2016-02-18 16:30 24k
FilePreparing small businesses for a telecommunications outage.pdf2016-02-18 16:30 244k
FilePresentation NDIS New World conference October 27 2015.docx2015-11-02 15:24 32k
FilePresentation NDIS New World conference October 27 2015.pdf2015-11-02 15:24 252k
FilePrimus2.doc2015-01-23 16:34 1408k
FileQuick steps to prepare for the 3G shutdown - updated.docx2024-06-21 15:18 68k
FileQuick steps to prepare for the 3G shutdown.pdf2024-06-21 15:18 468k
FileRegional consumers too often left behind.docx2015-07-21 09:14 20k
FileRegional consumers too often left behind.pdf2015-07-21 09:15 276k
FileReliable telecommunications a necessity for Aussie cotton farmers.docx2017-03-29 15:57 48k
FileReliable telecommunications a necessity for Aussie cotton farmers.pdf2017-03-29 15:58 228k
FileResults of ACCAN Board Election.docx2017-09-22 13:25 48k
FileResults of ACCAN Board Election.pdf2017-09-22 13:26 228k
FileSchoolies sexting and smartphone safety.docx2015-11-16 15:13 20k
FileSchoolies sexting and smartphone safety.pdf2015-11-16 15:13 304k
FileShould I insure my smartphone.docx2016-07-11 15:15 48k
FileShould I insure my smartphone.pdf2016-07-11 15:15 324k
FileSkyMesh COVID-19 Online Learning Support Plan - KFS - nbn Fixed Wireless.pdf2020-05-22 11:00 64k
FileSoul2.doc2015-01-23 16:34 1408k
FileSpectrum Blog Post - Final Accessible.docx2023-08-02 09:34 1068k
FileSpectrum Blog Post - Final Accessible.pdf2023-08-02 09:34 316k
FileStill Waiting - Average number of times consumers had to contact their telco ...2021-01-19 12:09 36k
FileStill Waiting - Average time spent in contact with telco providers to resolve...2021-01-19 12:09 48k
FileStill Waiting - Percentage of consumers who used each contact method.JPG2021-01-19 12:09 40k
FileStill waiting analysis report v.1.1.docx2021-01-19 12:10 144k
FileStill waiting analysis report v.1.1.pdf2021-01-19 12:10 380k
FileTechnology-facilitated stalking and abuse.docx2015-09-28 16:11 24k
FileTechnology-facilitated stalking and abuse.pdf2015-09-28 16:11 320k
FileTelstra has scrapped Silent Line fees.docx2018-01-09 11:58 48k
FileTelstra has scrapped Silent Line fees.pdf2018-01-09 11:58 212k
FileThe ACCANect Conference is fast approaching.docx2017-09-04 10:51 48k
FileThe ACCANect Conference is fast approaching.pdf2017-09-04 10:51 244k
FileThe future of consumer focused communication services.docx2016-06-14 11:42 24k
FileThe future of consumer focused communication services.pdf2016-06-14 11:42 392k
FileTips for online streaming over the holidays_FINAL.docx2015-12-15 12:00 24k
FileTips for online streaming over the holidays_FINAL.pdf2015-12-15 12:01 236k
FileTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan December 2016.docx2016-12-12 12:23 48k
FileTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan December 2016.pdf2016-12-12 12:23 280k
FileTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan FINAL.docx2016-03-15 11:06 36k
FileTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan FINAL.pdf2016-03-15 11:08 488k
FileTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan.docx2015-07-13 10:22 32k
FileTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan.pdf2015-07-13 10:23 432k
FileTis the season to be travelling_FINAL.docx2016-12-21 16:11 52k
FileTis the season to be travelling_FINAL.pdf2016-12-21 16:12 260k
FileTranscript of interview with David Vaile on Privacy Complaints Report.doc2015-01-23 16:34 40k
FileTranscript of interview with David Vaile on Privacy Complaints Report.pdf2015-01-23 16:34 100k
FileUpdate on audio description.docx2016-06-02 11:57 20k
FileUpdate on audio description.pdf2016-06-02 11:58 296k
FileUpdate on Election policies.docx2016-06-28 15:30 48k
FileUpdate on Election policies.pdf2016-06-28 15:31 340k
FileUSO Explainer Blog.docx2023-11-30 10:58 3948k
FileUSO Explainer Blog.pdf2023-11-30 10:58 156k
FileVHA2.doc2015-01-23 16:34 1408k
FileVision Australia pushing for audio description on Australian TV.docx2015-09-14 14:01 20k
FileVision Australia pushing for audio description on Australian TV.pdf2015-09-14 14:02 228k
FileWeve launched our new website.docx2016-05-03 09:14 24k
FileWeve launched our new website.pdf2016-05-03 09:14 328k
FileWeve relaunched our Phone Rights app.docx2015-06-25 11:08 24k
FileWeve relaunched our Phone Rights app.pdf2015-06-25 11:08 304k
FileWhat 28 day months mean for you FINAL.docx2016-03-11 10:00 28k
FileWhat 28 day months mean for you FINAL.pdf2016-03-11 10:01 352k
FileWhat programs and offers are available to help you stay connected.docx2021-05-17 09:56 72k
FileWhat programs and offers are available to help you stay connected.pdf2021-05-17 09:56 304k
FileWhat telco issues are small businesses experiencing FINAL.docx2017-03-08 10:15 48k
FileWhat telco issues are small businesses experiencing FINAL.pdf2017-03-08 10:15 320k
FileWhat to do if you get third party charges on your phone bill July 2017 update...2017-07-21 15:41 84k
FileWhat to do if you get third party charges on your phone bill July 2017 update...2017-07-21 15:42 292k
FileWhat you need to know about mobile data.docx2015-10-20 10:53 28k
FileWhat you need to know about mobile data.pdf2015-10-20 10:54 356k
FileWhy digital inclusion matters.docx2015-11-23 10:47 24k
FileWhy digital inclusion matters.pdf2015-11-23 10:47 240k
FileWhy you should attend the 2015 ACCAN National Conference.docx2015-06-30 11:44 688k
FileWhy you should attend the 2015 ACCAN National Conference.pdf2015-06-30 11:45 304k
FileYou can now register for the ACCANect Conference.docx2016-06-22 16:16 48k
FileYou can now register for the ACCANect Conference.pdf2016-06-22 16:16 316k
FileYour childs first mobile phone.docx2015-10-26 13:59 24k
FileYour childs first mobile phone.pdf2015-10-26 13:59 240k
FileYour place in the connected world.docx2017-10-04 15:43 52k
FileYour place in the connected world.pdf2017-10-04 15:43 352k
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